Why Are Some People Settling While Others Are Not?

in life •  4 years ago 

The most important lesson of all time, regarding winning and settling is that it's for losers. There is nothing wrong with striving for excellence and winning. And there is nothing wrong with settling for less. But for most people, these two examples of excellence and settling are not identical. When people try to achieve both at once, it can be a very hard thing to do. It can be even harder to accomplish if you're trying to settle for less than your true potential.

Most of us know the concept of settling for less. We have been raised and socialized to believe that good is better than being great. And most of us live with the belief that we will be a good enough or a great enough person if we settle for that which we think is good enough or great enough. Settling for what we think is good enough, however, only makes our egos stay small and our self-confidence goes down. Because if we continue to strive for greatness, our self-confidence will grow higher and our self-esteem will also rise. And if we are good enough, we will settle for that, too, right?

So when we begin to feel that life is not going as we had hoped, we begin to look for that which is going wrong and sometimes that is settling for less than our true potential. Sometimes, even when we know that we could have done much better, we choose to settle for good enough instead. Our ego and our desire to be a good enough person to keep us from growing and changing for the better.

In order to stop settling for good enough, you must first of all create the habit of believing that you can be and do more than you are doing at the moment. You must convince yourself that you are capable of achieving more than you are currently doing. And once you have this new belief, you can then begin to change the path towards your lifelong dream of a loving and joyful life with your wife, husband or family.

It is impossible to do this if you are only doing half the job of setting your goals and creating the necessary systems to make it happen. This sort of activity is often perceived by losers as nothing more than "playing the lottery". But if you think about it, you would be surprised to know that there are many people who are successful because they truly believe that they can have a long-term love life. The real difference between these men and those who are settling for mediocrity is the attitude they take toward achieving their goals.

The guys who really want to get somewhere in life are not settling. They are actually trying to achieve something great for themselves, their family and their friends. They do not consider themselves lucky or bad. Rather, they consider themselves blessed and have an opportunity to teach the lesson that settling for less than you really desire is not a good enough answer. They know that true fulfillment only comes when you have truly been happy with the life you have created for yourself and your loved ones.

Most losers will agree that they need to create systems to help them achieve their goals. These systems are used to help them determine where they should settle down and what they should do to continue to improve themselves. Winners also have similar strategies for finding success in life and they are never settled because they know their life has value and meaning. In other words, they do not settle for mediocrity because they know that settling is for losers and that true happiness and fulfillment only come from exceeding someone else's outcome. No matter what someone else says, you can't make someone else's life better.

So the bottom line is that you cannot base success or failure on the satisfaction you receive from someone else's life. Settling is for losers and it never happens. You are the only one who determines how much happiness you will find. Are you ready to stop settling for mediocrity and to start living the life you really want? Are you willing to accept the responsibility that comes with taking control of your own destiny? I am sure you are, because you have nothing to lose.

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