It’s interesting sometimes what scripture exposes about our saviour. Today I came across a scripture in the book of John in the 11th chapter, verse 55-57, which talks about how the saviour CHRIST was wanted.
John 11:55, The Jewish Passover was near, and many went up to Jerusalem from the country to purify themselves before the Passover.
John 11:56 They were looking for Jesus and asking one another as they stood in the temple complex: “What do you think? He won’t come to the festival, will He? ”
John 11:57 The chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that if anyone knew where He was, he should report it so they could arrest Him.
The whole chapter talks about how CHRIST raised HIS friend Lazarus from dead after he had spent 4 days in the tomb, and believed to have started decaying. To the Pharisees that was high level treason and the culprit had to face judgement, hence JESUS was wanted.
I can’t imagine how that would have been broadcasted today on our air waves. The television and radio announcements both on local and international media stations would just be thrilling.
HIS images would have been all over social media with disheartening and destructive captions. Framed stories of evil deeds he had committed, and a whole lot of lies about him, yet HE NEVER SINNED.
Sinners were rather relaxed in couches and walking freely on the streets with no one to bother them.
My point is, halt and take in some water from these false accusations, blind men will always see darkness.
At work, in the home, at church, on the market and where ever you find yourself stay true to your good deeds, don’t pay attention to the gossips, after all even JESUS became a wanted criminal for raising the dead. You might not have even raised a pillar, so tone down and enjoy your life on earth for the king cometh soon.
CHRIST said the world will hate you, for it first hated me (john 15:18), and HE added also to count it all joy when we are being persecuted (James 1; 2)