The difference between "must" and "want"

in life •  8 years ago 


One of the things my father is known for is always trying to convince people that the things he thinks are important must be done and taken care of as fast as possible, no matter what other people say or think. For example, a few weeks ago my father bought some wood in order for me to cut it and make sure we can keep ourselves warm in the winter.

I usually don't start cutting wood until later, when winter is closer, because I have a lot of work to do every single day, and I need to focus on finishing all kind of projects. However, whenever my father buys wood, he sees that as a top priority, and it doesn't matter if we're in July, his argument is always "Those piles of wood need to be cut and arranged, because winter is coming". I think he'd be great playing in Game of Thrones.

That's one of the things my father does that annoys most people that know him, and that's why I always try to see the difference between something that must be done as fast as possible, and something I consider to be important, but it's actually not. Every person out there sees the world through a certain set of experiences and perspectives. What's important to me may not be important to you, and vice versa.

Because that's how things work you should do your best to learn when something is truly important and must be taken care of immediately, and when you just want something to be done as fast as possible, because YOU consider it to be vital to everyone around.

It's okay if you have that kind of behavior on the things YOU do, because you're the one working on them. I consider my work to be really important, and that's why I spend most of my time working and trying to always make progress no matter what happens.

However, things change when you force people around you to drop the things they do in order to take care of what's important to you. That's when people will start to be annoyed by your behavior, and may even leave you. I've seen that happen a lot of times, especially with my grandmother. If you weren't willing to do what she thought was important, you we're considered to be a really bad member of the family.

She ended up being alone most of the time because of that, and while we were still a family and we were still trying to help her, we weren't enjoying it and we did our best to avoid being there when she needed something done that was completely useless to us but important to her.

So, my advice is that you should take some time and analyze the things that are important to you. If there are other people involved or if you want some people to help you, make sure they either have the time to do it or that the thing you want them to help you with is just as important to them.

Forcing people to drop everything they do in order to do something only you think it's really important will only drive those people away. Make sure you think about the things you want to do, and just ask them if they can help you, but don't "force" them to. If they can't, just tell them it's okay and do everything alone. You don't have to get mad or to stop being their friend.

This way people will see that you really care about their priorities and you're not forcing them to do something you want just because you consider it to be important. That's one way of keeping people close to you and to even make them help you more often when you really need it.

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Couldn't agree more. I think most people often get their wants and needs backwards. My father taught me the same life lessons as yours. Enjoyed your article. Good read.

Thank you very much :)