Video Recommendation - Looks aren't everything. Believe me, I'm a model

in life •  7 years ago 

So, yesterday I was on YouTube trying to find an interesting video to watch to get an idea for an article and I found one, in which a model named Cameron Russell talks about looks and about what being a model means.

She especially talks about the difference between her real life and her real self and the one people see in the pictures that appear online or in magazines, pictures that are made in a certain way, directed by all kind of people.

I'm not so interested into "self acceptance" or the "everyone is beautiful" mentality, but the video seemed interesting. It's nice to see life through the eyes of someone who does something so different than all of us, and you can learn some interesting things, like the fact that models are more than often a lot more insecure about the way they look than most normal people.

Anyway, here's the video:

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Nice looking.she is very sweet.