Small Steps Towards a Greater Goal

in life •  4 years ago 

Here is an oldie but goodie pie. It has been said that the way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to take the long and small steps. In other words, you will have to take the smaller steps until you reach your goal. In many cases the road will be long and winding. But if you persist in making the small and large steps, eventually, you will reach your goal and will be smiling all the way to the bank.

How many of us took the giant leap or made the big change, but failed to know why? Why did we fail? Why won't it work for me? These are questions we all want answers to. And the only way to find out the why and how is to do it.

This is what I'm going to teach you in this article. Specifically I am going to share with you the power behind taking one step at a time. What is the power behind this seemingly impossible task of changing your life? What is the one thing that you must do in order for your life to change?

The answer is very simple. If you want to change something about yourself, you must first step outside of yourself and look at what is influencing your life, the people around you and the circumstances in which you currently find yourself. Once you have looked deep inside yourself and found this aspect of yourself to be what is dragging you down or preventing you from being happy, then it is time to take the next small steps.

Now don't be discouraged or feel overwhelmed by what this might seem like. Small steps often equal large strides in time. So the more you move forward, the more you will improve. But don't be discouraged or stop the process until you've taken that one step you cannot afford to miss.

If you are ready to get your life back on the right track, take that single step. Then follow up with another small step each day. Do not procrastinate, but rather to get started. Once you have done this, you will find that things start to change and you will be able to enjoy the journey along the way.


Remember that the beauty of life is that it is in progress. This means that even when you think you have no control over the outcome of things, they still tend to work out for you in the end. So even when you feel frustrated because you think you have little control over a situation, remember that small steps toward success are much better than giant leaps. When you give yourself small goals to work toward, you will be forced to look at the situation realistically and you will be inspired to take that next big step when you see that you can do it.

Take action. Don't just sit around hoping things will work out for you. Instead, get started taking small steps toward your goal. See it as an opportunity for you to get on with your life. If you procrastinate, then something will come up that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams. Get up and make your dreams come true.

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