Are we all living a lie?

in life •  7 years ago 

I wrote about this a few days ago but I'd like to expand on it more, delve into some deeper concepts with everyone whilst keeping the flow enjoyable and readable; this is my mastery if you haven't already guessed, explaining difficult to understand psychological concepts so that everyone can get their head around it. I was once a deep writer, I'd sit out there and balance arguments for Cogito Ergo Sum (I think therefore I am), but friends that read me at the time began to tell me that they loved my work, however they could not understand it in the slightest. I had to develop a better flow and a light-hearted tone from there, or it became boring scientist research.

Living a lie

Anyway, we're basically living a lie, from birth to death; we endlessly conform to a system that's set up to keep us as free-range humans. We are allowed a certain amount of freedom to keep us from becoming aware. We can travel to most places in the world with a relative amount of safety, most of us are allowed to choose whichever partner we want, what food we eat, what games we play and so on. It's safe to say that we have a good amount of freedom. If we can live a relatively comfortable life then it's probably going to be the case that we'll never wake up, like Neo did, in the Matrix, so dependent on the system that keeps us in chains that even if presented with a remarkable realisation we still would want to ignore it.

There was a good article from @carry0n here and I sort of feel this in a deep way. I champion acceptance and mindfulness but I can't help feeling that the picture below has a raw and uncomfortable truth about it. I'm happy and well, yet I feel the world around me is being set on fire and I am absolutely powerless to stop it. I may be Ok, but so many other people are not. This is not Ok in my eyes. I can shine light on a few, but there are many others that need that help.

The segregation, urgh!

There is so much segregation in the world today. When are we going to grow up and accept that killing people, dividing families, or merely arguing over the internet like an arrogant cunt isn't the way to be? So people are different, who cares? It's not your job to even everything out so that it fits in line with your reality. It's time to perhaps accept that life exists outside of your narrow bubble. There is a deep, deep ravine in humanity right now; we have connected on a level like no other, but like any race in its infancy we have yet to grow past the simple mindset that divides us so well, our primal territorial thinking meshes with our advanced logical thinking and we begin to think that because it's different then it must not be as good.

Well, I call bullshit.


How many of you can say that they've sat in the middle of a Moroccan day market and sucked on a Hookah pipe? How many of you can sit there and tell me that you've travelled to Greece and tried one of their delicacies, Goat? How many of you can sit there and tell me that you've studied the Quran objectively and from an unbiased mindset? Visited Israel to the birthplace of Christ? Or Mecca? Or China? Yeah, well, if you've not done it how can you say that it's worse? I live in a country with people that sit here and think we're back in the 1500's when Sir Francis Drake was pillaging the Spanish empire of all their bullion from South America; the dawn of the epitome of the British Empire, they think people come here to claim benefits and suck our country dry. Little do they know, or have read that our country was far more multicultural back then than it was now. We owned 75% of the world, Britain was a central hub for many, many cultures, and yet here we exist, in our post-Brexit village mentality. Ger orf moi land! Hah.

Again (I say it a lot) we are humans

What we are at the end of the day is humans. Nothing more, nothing less. Some live over here, others live over there. They all believe different things and like different stuff. Isn't that beautiful? :) Why, may I ask is it so important that others conform to our own worldview? I like pie, so EEEEVERYONE must like pie! The same can be said for countries, religions, male and female, everyone.

We are being lied to constantly from the media, and those that govern us. Your country is great and so are you they will say. So, um, how did they come to that conclusion? Can YOU, personally, list some great things you have done that makes you proud? And can they? Can it be that they are giving us the illusion that drawn-up boundary of lines is something worth fighting for when the time comes?

Sorry, not me.

I'm a hippy!!

I'm more of a modern hippy without the drugs if that's a thing. Peace, not war. Learn to love thy neighbour as the bible says! That includes someone that's different to you!

Thanks for listening :)

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History and collective tought is a platform we inherit with our birth. We can influence it in a way of our legacy because this social lie is accepted, but only our legacy remains the truth. As one poet said: everyone is born to die, but the truth and honor live forever. What will our legacy be? Truth or continuing a lie...

Truth hopefully!

Very nice post my friend, keep it up.

I like the reference to Matrix. Not because it's my favorite movie of all time.. it's more philosophical than just an action sci-fi flick. Anyway, the Matrix is a great analogy how a veil has been pulled over our eyes. We are living in a lie. The lie that fortune can buy happiness, or a night with a hot woman/man can satisfy one's deep longings. I guess one can tell what my world view is... but I'm not peddling that here. But I think most will agree that the cure for a lie is the truth. That's why we have the saying, "The truth shall set you free". And there's another famous line that says "Truth? You can't handle the truth!". ;)

I loved The Matrix when I saw it, I walked out of the cinema with my head spinning, it was wonderful to see a mainstream film dealing with the nature of reality.
What did the second and third films teach us though? Owch!

Second film =orgy. Pleasures of the flesh. Deception. Third film = been there done that. (neo was the nth iteration :) )

I had to watch the Matrix at least 3 times before I understood it haha

Yep. Agree 100% The Matrix is one of my favourites also

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I'm proud of my patience: everytime I could have been angry, but instead chose to understand...

Loved this post, upvoting and resteeming!

Cheers to us all drug-less hippies ;)

i like the drug-less hippies ;)

Yep, yep! T-total here too :) My body is a temple. Hmm, apart from chocolate and food. Perhaps I need to work on that ;)

Those are addictions too, that one must learn to master.
I'm doing good in that department lately, for the first time in my life, so I guess I'm proud of that too :3
You can do it! It's all in your head ;)

It is!! :) Go you!

I feel society separated more in the last year than in the last several combined. With that being said, it seems we are all holding our collective breath for... Something. There seems to be something we are waiting for, A Big Change...

Only we can affect that :/

This is true. But we must first stand together

Honestly? I think we're hundreds of years away from that yet. I'm ready to do that now, but I did a hell of a lot of work on myself and most people are walking around clueless. That's not me being ignorant or arrogant, just what I find.

I know the feeling. Sometimes it can get frustrating wondering how most people just cannot SEE. Some won't, but that's a different conversation. In this day of information made easy, everyone is absolutely held responsible for what Attention Capitol they choose to nurture...

So very true!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The only lies we live are the ones we tell ourselves are true. Think about it. If you know something is untrue, then you are not living it.

Whether we understand it similarly, or not, everyone lives the reality they imaginally create out of prospects availed in their social culture. Everyone is creative, even if somehow in ignorance, they only know to create destruction.

Our problem is that there are so many conflicting themes of "purpose-ness", of other people's intentions. Yet, as Ernst Cassirer pointed out many decades ago, "The task of the individual is to make sense of the senses."

My own Steemit posts deal with the possibilities given in Cassirer's maxim. I invite all interested in such matters to follow my posts @johojo. The most recent, Taking care of things looks at the rapidly changing circumstances of our current stage of "reality". My first post introduces myself and the path to ideas that animate my Steemit posts. All of these are in support and furtherance of my online project Manifest Orders, which is about the various modes of individual attentiveness and how they have generated all the social and cultural manifestations of human history. Manifest Orders is an ongoing project; I first air ideas and welcome comments about it in my Steemit posts. The project is freely available for download at no charge under Creative Commons license.

I upvote and follow you. I look forward to hearing from you and all your readers!

Thanks man :)

I hope you gonna post more posts like this ! :)

Oh yes :)

There’s some pain in your words I am not sure that pain will lead us to understanding more to be happy but the words you say can help to open eyes of sleeping… Neo has done it))) thanks for the deep considering the issues, folks are in…

A little bit, but without pain and hardship there are no lessons to be learned ;)

Well I think a hippy without drugs sure is a thing. :)
Seriously, another great post.
We should treat everyone the way we want to be treated. Educate ourselves about things we don't know yet and always try to find people we can learn from. At least that's what I am trying to do.

Thanks :) - Keep plugging at it! We are the revolution.

i m currently 19, this woke me up alittle , great post.

Oh wow. Really nice to hear. Thank you :)

I've done a few posts about philosophy and psychology and I agree that in some ways we are just living a lie.


Most of the things Im proud of doing recently are to do with crypto-currency, which by defintion isnt connected to my nation, so there :)

Good point of view

Good man!


thank you for sharing

very insightful post! I wonder if I can choose what lie to live in then... I wonder if I can choose a lie in which freedom, beauty, love, peace and harmony would be prevalent.. because that would be quite an awesome lie, wouldn't it? now we know we are living a lie, maybe we could make something cool out of it? and create more love on Earth... thanks for your cool post! peace

I'd like to live like that too :)

The challenge is coming up with how you can make the greatest positive impact while living a lie...or is it not worth it to try?