Self Criticism And Its Link To Poor Health

in life •  4 years ago 

Self-Criticism is an important part of healthy personal reflection. Self-Criticism is the process by which an individual examines themselves as well as the choices they have made. Self-Criticism in personal development is normally studied and discussed as an internal negative trait where an individual has a disturbed self-image. It has been described as the self sabotage of a person that weakens his abilities to achieve his potential. However, self-criticism can also be a positive force that helps an individual to realize his potential.

Research in human personality shows that everyone has certain self-defeating personality traits. These are the things that we notice ourselves to be lacking. But research also shows that these personality traits are inherited by most people from their parents and other relatives. This means that our personality is mostly shaped by the early years of our life. For example, a person who has poor self-control and is a caretaker often tends to become a victim of psychological and emotional abuse at home.

Some researchers argue that people with higher levels of stress and depressive symptoms tend to have more negative self-defeating personality traits. When a person feels under great pressure and has high levels of stress and depressive symptoms, he may become more self-critical. This is because the pressure and the depressive symptoms make him focus on failures at higher levels than he usually does. However, critics argue that self-criticism leads to the ability to improve one's own behavior and the way he or she deals with life. Moreover, self-criticism can be a good thing since it boosts the self-esteem of individuals who are usually self-conscious.

One of the reasons why self-criticism can be a risk factor for depression is because people who are more self-critical tend to focus on their own flaws more than on positive attributes in themselves. If you think that you have many flaws, you will be more focused on them and thus will have a greater risk of developing depression. It is true that we all have our own personal faults but this does not mean that we cannot take pride in our positive traits.

Another personality trait that can make you vulnerable to depression is perfectionism. People with this personality trait are obsessed with keeping things perfect. They think that they should never make any mistakes and should always look for fault in everything they do. They also compare themselves to others and think that they should not let minor mistakes go unnoticed. To them, errors are major failures and they spend most of their time trying to rectify these mistakes rather than enjoying their work.

Perfectionism is a difficult trait to overcome especially if you think that you are a perfectionist. It makes us feel bad about ourselves and leads us to focus on our shortcomings. It also creates a negative impact on our lives as it makes us feel guilty if we break our high standards. However, if you have high standards and if you are able to accept mistakes made, you will be able to move on with your life without having to dwell on what you were not able to do.

One of the biggest causes of self-criticism is high levels of self-esteem which leads to self-depreciation and a tendency to constantly criticize oneself. High self-esteem is a positive self-image but unfortunately, many people with high self-esteem also tend to be highly critical when it comes to other people or themselves. Criticism turns into self-doubt and this can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety which can ultimately lead to more self-criticism and even feelings of suicide.

In conclusion, this article has shown you some of the main reasons for self-doubt and self-criticism and how it can lead to various health problems. These issues must be taken very seriously because they can affect the way we interact with others as well as with our own personality. Self-doubt and self-critical thinking can also affect the performance at work and can even lead to a loss in one's job. Hence, if you are able to address these issues, you can definitely improve your quality of life.

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