Wisdom Behind Hot Weather

in life •  7 years ago 


Lately afternoon, afternoon or evening the weather was so hot. The air was very hot. So the sweat seeps through the shirt and melts around the cheeks. Want to always open the shirt, though not much to reduce the sultry that hit. Drinking ice many times, sultry only disappeared briefly then the heat again. The fan always rotates day and night. I wonder how many watts of electricity he has 'eaten'.

Behind this hot and sultry weather, I learned a lesson. That is about my memory that leads to nature after death and resurrection after doomsday. A time in which God gathers man from the first to the last man in a vast field called Padang Mahsyar.

Padang Mahsyar is a new earth that is not round like our earth today. It is a flat, silvery flat land that stretches wide. There is no mountain, hill or valley. No rivers, lakes or oceans. No trees, fruits or grasses. There is no shelter and no shelter even if only a small umbrella to just cover the head.

At that time man is being led by a voice after the resurrection from his grave to gather in the Mahsyar Desert. All men and women, both men and women, gathered there without a single strand of clothes covering his body. And all men stand before their Lord without bare feet and unconcerned genitals. The atmosphere was very tense. No one thinks to look at each other's nakedness. Moreover at that time no one was wearing clothes. It would seem strange to have humans dressed among naked people. It's just as strange today as to see people walking unclothed in the crowds of dressed people.

The sun is close to the head of man only a few span. The heat can not be imagined right now. Look at the heat on this earth or in the middle of the deserts of Africa or Saudi Arabia. It's just hot on earth with the sun a million miles away from the earth. How is the heat of the sun only a few span from the head? Moreover, at that time all humans are not dressed and unfashionable aka nyeker foot.

In Padang Mahsyar each person complained of heat and very hot indeed. Each person will sweat. The amount of sweat corresponds to the level of sin of each person. There is a sweat to the ankles, some are up to the knees, some are up to the stomach, some are up to the chest, there are up to the neck and there are drowning in sweat so he had to bother swimming in puddles of sweat. It would be nice if we are now contemplating and measuring ourselves, how much sin will continue to do so as much as that he will sweat later.

At such a hot and unbearable moment we should stand by. Waiting for God to call our name to go to the calculation of God's charity and judgment. All humans wait anxiously, tired, hot, hard and hard. I do not know how long to wait. One year, 10 years, 100 years, a million years or even a billion years. And keep in mind, one day in the hereafter measure 50,000 years in the world.

There is no roof that shelters a man except a roof or a great shelter that God provides. But that special shade will only shade seven human classes only. The seven groups who are lucky to have God's shelter are fair leaders, people whose hearts are always associated with the mosque, people who grew up from childhood to adulthood in the obedience of worshiping to Allah, the sadaqah who secretly so that his left hand does not know what is wherewithal his right hand, two men who love each other and make friends because God encounters God and separates also because of God, a man who was invited to commit a pervert by a beautiful woman, rich and descendant of noble but she refused by saying "I'm afraid to God "and a man who remembers to God in the silence last night his eyes weeping for the remembrance of Allah.

Every human at that time will go before God alone and without translator to be responsible for all his actions during life in the world. Will not shift his legs before he finishes asking some questions about himself. God will ask about his youth for what he uses, his age for what he spends, about his knowledge of the extent to which he pays off and about his wealth from where he gets and what he spends.

At that moment God locked the mouths of the people who confronted Him. Hands that will talk about what he did while in the world in detail. Her legs will also talk to reveal where her master has gone through life. Even her skin talked and testified to tell all the actions of a servant without missing a single action. Nothing is hidden, there is no lie and Allah is All-Knowing all things.

Then the record of the deeds that the angels record is unfolded. Note that the charity is a roll of approximately 99 rolls. Each scroll if stretched wide and wide as far as the eye can see. All things, all the sayings and deeds of the great and the small, the visible and the hidden are recorded neatly and nothing is forgotten. At that time crying and roaring people who live the history of his life with sin and disobedience.

That is the day of vengeance, where today the oppressed are unable to reciprocate then they will get satisfaction. This is the day of God's judgment, where no rich man can trick and sell justice with his money as it did in the world. This is the day of weighing the charity and the day of the servant's verdict. Does God forgive his sins and accept his deed so worthy to enter Heaven. Or is God angry with him and rejecting all his religion and putting it in a burning Hell?

Indeed, the recent hot weather has caused the mind of a thoughtful person to remember the future of hardship and suffering. As there is a shaleh who when passing through the iron pande he will faint. When he was awake his friends asked why he fainted. He replied that when he saw the pande of iron burning and making a sword with fire he remembered Hell until finally fainted. May God always guide us as long as we live in the world to always be in His righteous path and toward salvation. Amen. You know a'lam.

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