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When I was younger I would have agreed with you. The back and forth, the friction, the insecurity gave things a tang. And then the relief of making up again. Yes, I remember those days!

My husband and I have been married almost 39 years. Yes, we still disagree on things, even have arguments. But, without either one of us always giving in to keep the peace, we have learned to get to the point, communicate our concerns, suggest compromises, and move on. Insecurity and drama have lost their attraction!

It's so good to hear this @donna-metcalfe. And apologies for the late reply!! I have been struggling with the internet here. But im so happy to read from you! Thanks fo sharing this! HOpe you're doing well!!?

I'm always happy to see your posts! Sorry your internet connection isn't what it should be. That is so frustrating! I did wonder when you didn't reply that I might have offended you, glad that's not the case! I'm perking along pretty well, hope you are the same!

Yess. I have only 2 gigabyte per month available at home :)) The paradise brings it's sacrifices. and i tried to use it as smartly as I can. Now I'm starting to visit more cafés again. Sucking from their wifi 😋 haha 😄It shoudln't have devaluated your comment. You know, it's SO GOOD for me to hear. To get feedback, to think and reconsider and learning! i'm so happy for this!

No, no, I wasn't dinged at all.
If you get coffee (or tea?) and 'free' wifi, I say that's a good deal!
Would you be able to use a mobile 'hot spot' where you are? I got one for traveling. The most they allow for a month is 10 gigs which is enough if I'm careful.

Oh my, I have opinions about everything! I also like hearing other people's ideas. Unless they are yelling at me. :-) I avoid those people here and in real life!

You're into Tolle as well:P?

haha, oh yes. The dear Eckhart Tolle ! :))) Sorry for replying so late!!! <3 I hope you're doing well!!! :)))

Ya you're ignoring me now 😏