How to Be Attractive - 5 Tips That Can Help You Become More Attractive

in life •  4 years ago 

How do you make yourself look more attractive? This is an age of image marketing - everyone is trying to be more "likes" than their competitors. Image marketing is the art of making yourself look more attractive through clever editing, photo shoots, magazine spreads, and advertising. Image marketing is also called "marketing" or "posure" - it is all about getting your brand, product, or service "out there" in front of others in order to achieve the maximum effect. Here are some tips for making yourself more attractive:

Be Attractive - The first rule of thumb is, of course, to look the part - but not so much that people mistake you for a cast-off. Remember, appearance is important but personality is even more so. Attractiveness or dating appeal is a subjective quality, which causes people to gravitate towards, or be attracted to, something or somebody. Also, attractiveness can also refer to the end result of the attraction - in this case, the person's physique. The idea is to look your best to the world in order to get the responses you want.

Be Affectionate - It is also important to project the image of an affectionate person. You don't have to be that friendly guy with glasses and a big yardstick, but try to be that charming and approachable person you've always wished you could be. It's also important to understand that people are attracted to others who are warm and friendly, and who express feelings readily. Be that sympathetic, caring friend who genuinely cares about other people. This will make you more attractive to people.

Be Responsible - There are people who can be very attractive people, but not attractive people who are responsible. These types of attractive people are also seen as "lazy" and irresponsible. But if you are taking the time to be self-aware and aware of how you act, what you say, and what you do, you will see that people are drawn to that kind of attractive person. So learn to be responsible about yourself. Don't go out on dates and parties and act like a jackass because you think people will like it.

Be a High Energy Person - People love a person who is outgoing and enthusiastic about life and things. So be that person! If you are naturally that type of person, then you don't need to learn how to be attractive person skin. Just be yourself. But if you need to learn how to be attractive to people, there are plenty of books and articles that can help you figure out how to be more attractive. You can also read my other articles on this topic.

Have a Positive Attitude - People are drawn to positive people. Try to keep a positive attitude about everything and everyone. This includes your outlook on life and others. A negative attitude is not very attractive to people.

Learn to Smell Great - Smelling good, or "putting out" is one of the best ways to look and feel attractive. There are plenty of products on the market that you can buy that will help you smell better. Or, you can do some home remedies like mixing scented candles with some rose petal powder. This is sure to put people at ease and help them relax. Once you start smelling nice, other people will notice and that is why it is important to learn how to do this!

Be a Good Giver - One of the best ways to attract attractive people is to give them a gift. People want to help others. If you are giving them something, they will see that you are a kind and generous person and they will be attracted to you. So learn to give gifts or buy gifts for people. This is another great tip on how to be more attractive.

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