The Power of Visualization: How Mental Imagery Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

in life •  2 years ago 

You may think visualization is a bit woo-woo, but it really works. We all have a certain image of ourselves and how we'll achieve our goals, but the truth is, we have no idea what it will actually look like when we get there.


That's why mental imagery, or visualizing, has a lot of value. This technique can show you exactly how you'll get where you want to go and how to get there.

In my experience, I've found that the most effective mental imagery occurs when you create a picture in your mind that looks like what you want to achieve. In other words, don't just visualize something that doesn't look like what you want; picture it as you want it.

Here's an example. Say you want to lose 10 pounds and build muscle.

When you envision the picture of you on your leaner and stronger body, does it look like you? If it does, you're on the right track.

If it doesn't, you're not going to be able to get there by picturing something else. It's just too much of a stretch for your brain.

Why? Because that 10 pound difference isn't in your head. It's not your image. It's a real thing that will exist whether you focus on it or not. You only need to focus your attention on it.

STEP 1: Develop A Clear Picture Of What You Want To Achieve

When I first started developing the habit of mental imagery, I knew I wanted to learn a new skill. But after learning the basic theory behind this technique, I realized that it could be applied to so many things.

Once I decided what I wanted, I took it a step further and defined exactly what the end result would look like. I pictured it with as much detail as possible.

STEP 2: Add Realistic Details

As with anything in life, if you don't have the details right, you won't achieve your goal. Don't think about what it will feel like when you succeed or when you complete it; picture yourself exactly at the moment you achieve it.

The details don't have to be overly realistic; even a vague description will do just fine. That's because in the moment of achieving your goal, it's the details that really matter.

It's not until later, when you remember those details and see them through your own eyes, that you'll know that you actually achieved it.

STEP 3: Keep Going

You can use visualization anytime you want to improve anything in your life. For example, you could visualize yourself taking on a new job, speaking before a large group, or learning a new skill.

Your mind is limited by the size of your brain. It cannot comprehend everything that is out there. You can focus on a particular aspect of life or change your perception of things.

It's just a matter of deciding what to focus on. The choice is yours.

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