The Filthy Statist: the friendship that would end...

in life •  9 years ago 

Bobby and Timmy

In a small libertarian town, an old friendship was beginning to fade...

Little Bobby and Little Timmy had always been close.

They had co-owned a lemonade stand.

Shared their first kiss with the same girl.

And would bond over Milton Friedman 'Free to Choose' reruns.

Indeed, they had been so close that they would often sleepover at each other's homes without notifying their parents beforehand.

Well, that is until Little Timmy's father was elected as the town's Mayor.

Friendship over

Timmy's family had been celebrating his new job with Champagne and gluten-free snacks.

Little did they know his new appointment had embittered their friends and neighbors.

Timmy would soon experience this resentment first-hand.

Walking into class the day after his father's appointment, twenty pubescent eyes turned to face him.

"You filthy Statist!" one shouted.

"HAHA! You smell of WELFARE!" a pimpled girl mocked.

"Tax is THEFT!" a scrawny child squeaked.

Timmy was soon met with a barrage of spitballs.

Pheew - one struck his right temple - Phoww - one struck his left temple...

In sheer confusion, Timmy turned towards Bobby - appealing for defense with his eyes.

Like a young Pontius Pilate, Bobby turned away from his resignation.

You chose to the path of coercion, and now you shall be coerced.

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Love this, and love the gif! Thanks

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

You're welcome!

Lemme call the taxman... this is insolence!
