Donations Make Our World A Better Place @senseicat

in life •  7 years ago 


This morning at breakfast, I was discussing with my Japanese pastor that it is disconcerting to me that the disparity between the extremely wealthy vs. the poor continues to widen in the United States and the middle class is being phased out each year.

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As youngsters, we are taught "sharing is caring" but how many of us actually take the time to make donations? I believe that it is important to make even small donations and that every penny can make a difference. When I was enjoying the natural scenery at a nature trail, I noticed one of these donations bins for bird feeding of the exotic birds that migrate to our area and deposited .50 cents. I noticed that this small gesture made me feel innately happy feeling like I am making a contribution towards something that I received enjoyment from--watching the beautiful birds feasting.

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Sometimes, I pass one of these donations containers and for some reason, I tend to walk right by. I think that I will make a habit of trying to put in a little something to make our world a brighter place for all species and citizens. All of our small contributions could really add up into something BIG for someone else. We are universally connected after all...

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100% agreed if we all shared what we have who would have to struggle. I am of Islamic faith and part of teachings are to always give charity. It is one of our pillars of faith. In fact, if we have savings for more than a year we are obligated to give 2.5% of it to charity or good causesat the end of each Ramadan (the month we fast). But its something all of us humans should be mindful are.

Im a firm believer that the more you give the more you get.

Completely according, not only is the amount of money you are willing to share, is the intension to do something, which in addition to reward your soul and strengthen your values, becomes help for others.

Congratulations and hopefully many will think as your good luck and encouragement continues so.

Even the scripture talks about giving as a form of love, at a point you get relieved when u give. Even a penny can change a life.
Good post

One of the miracles of the steem blockchain is that it allows one to "give" without actually giving from his/her own pocket, by simply "upvoting".

Take for instance @fundition, which allows people to donate "hearts", which is actually another name for ... steem Voting Power !

Someone like you, @senseicat, with a vote of $3.45, you can "give" $3.45 to a project of your choosing among those on by simply upvoting a project you find worthy of your help.

When you do that, what you are actually giving is ... "2.4 hours without upvoting" the time needed for your voting power to recover from a 100% vote.

Yes it is fair for our society !

Your post is nice..
We just have to donate, no matter how small it is cos that our small gift could mean a million to someone.