What is Life? Let me define it for you...steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  6 years ago 

There's something this world has been doing for millions of years and naming it as 'life'. You are born, you grow up, you live your days, you marry a lady, you give birth to other individuals like you and in the end, you die. Is this life?
Here, you might be thinking, well yes it is life. It is what everyone does.
But, I say, " No, it is not." This is not how you should be defining life. This isn't how you should see life. Nooooooo.
Life is in its entirety is a wholly and solely a completely different thing.
Life is smiling when you are a kid, crying when you're a grown up. Life is not being able to solve your problems and probably screaming of your joy when you've achieved a goal you set for yourself. Life is realizing your purpose of being in this world. The world that's thousandth of a grain of sand lying on a seashore compared to the vastness of the universe. You were sent to this world and well, you are living your life for purposes like growing up, having a living and well, procreating and dying.
With age, comes thinking and with thinking , comes realization. But, we humans have betrayed ourselves from the paths. You define life as striving to earn for your kids or yourself. I define life to be in those small, sad and creepy moments in which you have nothing in your pocket and you have to buy yourself some food. That moment when you are seated in a corner and pondering over how your kids are going to school without fees.
Ever happened to see some old people? What do you think they mostly have in their lives? They have regrets and the memories of all the sad moments they had in their lives. Happy moments fade away, the only thing that's left behind is the sad, unhappy moments of despair. The times of feeling utterly grieved and seeing no taste in the lights of this world.
A lot of people are going to ask you what life is and probably you'll say, it is being happy all the time, enjoying yourself to the zenith cause YOLO is the motto Bru. But, is it? How many events you remember of being 100% happy? Probably, a few. But, how many moments of sadness you remember? Most probably, a thousand. Life starts counting only in those moments of grieve. The times when you feel like committing suicide. Life is when those disappoint you who you expected the most from. Happy moments are the time pass cause they just fade away. Happiness is calling on a friend, going to a club and having a lot of fun but Life is being dropped home alone. It is having to sleep by yourself in your bed and not being able to imagine happiness without them.
But perspectives can change. Instead of defining life for just the happy moments, start defining it for the moments you were able to compensate the sadness with self contentment. It is seeing light when everything is dark. Keeping up pondering over the ways out of a problem when you feel like giving up.
So, what do you say?

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