Imagine – This Can Happen To You

in life •  9 years ago 

Sharone here,

Imagine it’s just a year from now…

You’re walking through an airport and you see several people reading your new book.

You’re tempted to go up and introduce yourself, but instead you just smile and keep moving.

You're content with the fact that your book is opening new doors and changing lives.

You’re an authority. You’re famous.

You did it.

You see…

Most people spend their lives fiddling around with their phones, video games, TVs, wasting time on social media, and consuming other people’s stuff… all unconsciously.

It’s a path towards mindlessness, a path of mediocrity…

Look, I know that might sound a little harsh, maybe even judgmental, but there is a purpose in this short post to you…

Here’s my intention:

YOU can CHOOSE to be a creator – not a consumer.

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It’s what we're “programmed” to do. It’s how we were made

It turns out the best place to start is with a book – YOUR book – so you can fulfill your mission and change the world, your life, and even your family’s life.

So you can be seen, heard, read, viewed, listened to, watched on any device, anywhere, any time...

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Stay Strong,

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