Credit cards are widely in use by all employed people, regardless of their income. To most of us, average folks they are actually a source of headaches as failing to make a payment on them can ruin our credit. And while we are dealing with such issues and make decisions on which credit card to get based on the lowest interest rates, wealthy people review them in terms of benefits, rewards and perks.
We put a list of the most prestigious and exclusive cards that only the rich and famous get to swipe and we have likely never heard of them before, only for your entertainment.
JP Morgan Chase Palladium Visa
This credit card is as exclusive as they come, being entirely made of palladium and gold with the cardholder’s name and account number etched into it. With no spending limit and an yearly fee of only $595, those who have an investment banking relationship with JP Morgan are freed from paying for foreign exchanges, late payments, cash advances or overdrafts.
American Express Centurion Card
Launched back in 1999, this so-called “black card” is reportedly where all the exclusiveness started. At the beginning it had an annual fee of $1,000 and you could only get it by means of invitation. The requirements today are a little more complicated. To qualify, you need to have spent $250,000 or more in the previous year, and pay an yearly fee of $2,500. Invitees have the privilege of paying a one-time-only fee of $7,500. If you are wondering what are the benefits, we can tell you there are many, with the most useful being a dedicated concierge and travel agent, complementary travel tickets for companions, free nights at select hotels, and access to numerous airport clubs.
Bank of Dubai First Royale MasterCard
Made of real gold and diamond, this prestigious card comes, of course, with no spending limit. The closest we’ll ever get to this card is seeing it on a photo, as the bank’s website states that it is only available by invite to “select group of elites representing royalty and the upper echelons of the social and business community”. The bank’s team came up with a long list of benefits, such as reward programs of up to 4% cashback, a personal relationships manager, and dedicated staff working round the clock to meet any of the client’s requests.
Sherbank Visa Infinite Gold Card
Kazakhstan is very rich in oil and natural resources which practically equals money. As a result of this, the wealthy folks over there keep growing their fortune, and Sherbank saw the opportunity as perfect to create an exclusive card available only to their top 100 clients. To demonstrate prestige and power the card is made of gold with 26 diamonds added to it. The benefits are of course many, but in order to get it, you’ll need to pay staggering $100,000 of which $65,000 go towards the card and the rest is security deposit. Once you get this out of the way, the yearly fee is $2,000.
Coutts World Silk Card
Coutts bank in the UK is recognized as that of the Royal family, which makes this card very rare and extremely prestigious. Although it doesn’t look unusual, everyone who owns it has at least $1 million in their Coutts bank account. Apart from being in the same circle as the Queen of England, if you own this card you’ll get concierge services, extensive worldwide travel insurance, access to more than 700 exclusive airport lounges and numerous VIP offers with numerous companies.
Royal Bank of Scotland Coutts Silk Card
Scotland has its own version of an exclusive card, with requirements somewhat less rigid than the World Silk card. Available only to private banking clients, the card has an annual fee of £350 which is waived for those who rack up at least £50,000 on the card a year. The benefits are pretty much the same as the ones offered by the rest of the prestigious cards, but the real perks with this one are the very low annual fee and the VIP membership with a variety of the bank’s partners, including private jet companies, cruise lines, hotels and airlines.
Thank for reading !!
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