
in life •  7 years ago 

After a couple of days of rain and wind, in my backyard there is a sort of carpet made by many different leaves. Watching the leaves on the roof I thought it was a fascinating scene and, sure, it reminds me the autumnal scenes. I took some pics of the leaves, just to fix the moment and to have a source of inspiration for my work ^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

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God's artistry at work though leaves. Thanks so much @silviabeneforti

You're welcome, dear Troy ^_^

Nice photography Silvia ! :-) You have an eye for this !

how wonderful kit.jpg

Many thanks ^_^

Such delicate and sensitive photography..well done! @silviabeneforti:)

Thanks so much ^_^

The leaves fall off, but still keep the warmth and beauty of life. Due to the unique color, they make the surrounding landscape amazingly attractive and romantic. And if suddenly rise the breeze, the leaves give a farewell ball, circling in a bizarre dance.

I totally agree, they make the landscape so romantic ^_^

awesome photography, this looks great, that was some wind you had to blow all those leaves

Thanks ^_^

Really a beautiful landscape, worthy of a photo. Many times even the smallest is very beautiful. Happy day Silvia!

Complimenti, le tue foto fanno emergere pensieri come non mai.. Hai davvero uno spiccato senso dell'arte!

Ti ringrazio. Credo molto sia dovuto al fatto che, da quando ho iniziato il mio percorso artistico, il mio modo di guardare le cose è veramente diverso da prima ^_^

