Sixteen personalities - the profile website

in life •  7 years ago

16 personalities is a website to make psicologic profiles. A great tool nowadays. To know yourself as to build better relationships with the people around you.

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You just have to fill the test in no more than 15 minutes and it will show you an 8 pages profile, your personality between the 16 available with your results percentajes in each area. It also shows some famous characters that shares your profile.

I do websites on a daily basis. And I can tell it has a very nice interface, the layout is simple and the illustrations helps to build a solid personality to the site.

But the best thing it has is the uses you can make of it.

Some years ago I was researching some ways to build characters. I found about the heroe's journey, the four temperaments, DISC, and the Carl Jung's archetypes.

This 16 personalities is an expansion of the four temperaments with the Jung theories, the enneagram among other things. Read more about the theory here

It seems to be a very complete profile with:

(I)Introvert / (E) Extroverts

(N) Intuitive / (S) Observants

(T) Thinking / (F) Feeling

(J) Judging / (P)

(A) Asertive / (T) Turbulent

It has uses for:

  • Profiles can be used to help the admin departments to know better its workers. Build better enviroments to improve the prodictivity.
  • It can serve to create character in movies, comics, illustration or any creativity enviroment.
  • To understand someone and predict his or her behaviour.
  • To find people like you.
  • It can bring you a way to cope with your insecurities and maximize your skills.

My personal experience

I'm a solid INTJ-A an architect is a uncommon profile. That's why I always felt like an alien. It is a very good aproximation to my real personality.



I started to ask people for their results and made myself a database of their points, to have better interactions with the ones around me.

This is way better than asking for the zodiac sign or favorite disney princess (leia is mine).

I think this area has a lot to offer. Like make profiles races, challenges for groups to grasp a better understanding of the comunity strengh.

Please don't trust me. Do the test. Invite others. Check if it is close to your personality. And share your experience.

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Es bueno aprender de los 16 tipos de personalidades que distingue a cada persona y una de esas va conmigo, gracias por compartir tan interesante post. Saludos ; ) @softwaricho.

Excelente contenido mi amigo @softwaricho , la unica critica constructiva que te hago es que los links los pongas asi :



  • Solo que en el ejemplo tiene un guion entre el corchete y el parentesis, quitas dicho guion y ya tendras tu link en un solo nombre de lo que te quieras referir, saludos y bendiciones <3

Muchas gracias, lo tomare en cuenta.

Saludos @softwaricho, mi resultado "EMPRENDEDOR".


Trabajo con varios emprendedores.