How To Trick Your Mind - Chapter 8

in life •  7 years ago 

We all already got into situations where we needed to handle problems. Dealing with frustrate friends, challenging people, fixing broken objects, clarifying conflicts and so on...

Problems happen and you shouldn´t ignore it because it´s a chance to learn out of that fault. But the tricky thing is, that you need to know how to deal with it. 

Once you´ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you!

Learning how to handle the flaws will have a drastic effect on your health and happiness. 

I personally didnt know how to deal with problems 6 years ago... I remember the moments where I freaked out, asked for help and wasn´t able to manage mistakes. Fortunately I met my mentor and started to grow which helped me a lot in the last few years. Today I want to give back some tips which guided me through the journey.

Keep cool

First let me start with your feelings. If something happens to you, stay calm. The less reactive you are, the more you can use your better judgement to handle the challenge.  When you feel angry or upset, you might regret your action, so you should take a deep breath and count to ten before you argue. 

Is it worth it?

Before you judge a situation or put energy in it, make sure that the problem is worth it. Make a quick list in your head and set up 5 pros and cons. After that decide if you should use your energy to rule the problem or just to let go of the brunt. 

Separate the person from the issue

In every communication situation, there are two elements - The relationship you have with the person and the issue you are discussing. An effective communicator knows how to separate the person from the issue, and be soft on the person and firm on the issue. Take your time and act much calmer as I wrote above. 

Think longterm

A leader is someone who steps back from the entire system and tries to build a more collaborative, more innovative system that will work over the long term. - Robert Reich

Some people panic over a short-term problem and forget about the long-term plan. As the result, they never manage to handle real life problems. 

Confront Bullies

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is that bullies pick out persons whom they perceive as weaker or they want to feel better by pushing you down. Also bullies crave to get attention and act like a class clown while they hurt others. You should stay strong and handle against the pressure. Analyze the person who want to pinch you down and react against them!

Accept the present moment 

Only if you accept what happens right know, then you will figure out how to get out of it. Accept the things and people around you. Not everything is how you want it to be. If you arent able to accept reality, you will feel much more frustrated. 

Don´t blame others

Many people use to blame others for their problems because they fail to take full responsibility for the decisions they have made in life. The more you blame others with challenges you are faced with, the more you make people dislike you and not want to be around with you.

These were just a few tips and tricks on how to handle problems. There are many more but first you should start slowly and change to way you deal with mistakes/problems. 

I hope this post can help some of you and I am looking forward to share my trip to Barcelona with you. 

Thanks for reading 

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier 

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Indeed most of our problems are not even worth the energy. Too many people don't realise this.

So true! Agree with you

All of this will not even matter when we die

The lady in the photo has some nice sexy legs.

stay positive and keep your cool, will do - even difficult seeing such a photo :-) - upvoted

Thanks, appreciate it

Be in the present and forget the future.

So true!

Accept the present moment. Be in the moment. Be present. Be alive. Love your mind trick advice. Upvoted. Resteemed. Thanks.

Couldnt say it any better!
Thanks ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Looks like you know what are you saying :) something more than just empty words...

Thank you a lot :-)

We gon' be alright!


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Took a deep breath and counted to ten... phew!
Very well made article! Thank you sensei for your teachings! :d

The best thing to improve your state in the current situation that is bad, is by tricking your brain as you said. I had complained about how difficult and stressful my job is. Then i decided to let go away the fear in me by tricking myself into thinking the worse that could happen in the job. I came to the conclusion that i would leave the job as an extreme step, but once i conditioned and prepared my mind to take this step i felt little comfortable with the job. So accepting and overcoming the fear helped me a lot.
Anyhow very nice article to read, upvoted and resteemed and followed

If only it were that easy most of the times :P

The problems are just in our mind.

Good content! Thank you for sharing .

Personally I try to remain in peace regardless of circumstance. Very challenging to do though!

You sound a lot like my mentor. Who's your mentor?
The truth is the best in almost any situation :D

Great words, well spoken, I agree with this 100% upvoted & followed :) thank you !

Stay positive. I wish you succes :)

Most of the problems exist, because each individual lives in a different inner universe...

  • we give different interpretations for the same thing
  • we learned different, sometimes contradictory life lessons
  • we were hurt by different people
  • we received different education
  • we belong to different social circles
  • we have different DNA
  • we had different childhood
  • we experience different life circumstances

Nice tips to handle problems. Thanks.

Yes, stay calm and play chess with the situation.

soldier your never disappoint me

Great advice, confronting people who need confronted is one I've always had an issue with.

Well, reading your post made me forget every problem I have. Your post and of course your beauty helped. :P I think I'm in love with you. ;)

You're an ENFP aren't you? This sounds classical of one. How good are you at actually following this advice?

thank you sweat heart for this amazing post :)

surround yourself with great people !!! thats a way to success

Fantastic advice. Have an upvote ^^

This is a good post as far as small group interactions. Most problems causing the most difficulties today though are structural. The methods you suggest simply do not work on the vast complex structures of civilization. Positive change here needs mass movements of people embracing a paradigm shift and we really don't know how this happens...We know technology is involved, but tech in itself doesn't guarantee​ a better world.

Great post!! Timeless, solid insights. Thank you for posting

Very interesting topic soldier, i really agree with your words here written

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I always appreciate you I like your posts they are interesting

Your first tips are really on point. "KEEP IT COOL." That's what i always say to people who are having problems in any degree. Suppress the temper and the hotheadedness so you can think clear and decide on a proper way to solve it. Relax, breathe in, breathe out. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Keep it up! And i salute you the always lovely and gorgeous @soldier!༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

The flow state is a great practice to master..very nice share @soldier..You look amazing in photo by the way!

Perfect tips to live a better and peaceful life!
The more reactive you are, the more people will be trolling you!

So is that lady with the fire breath: hot tempered or bad breath...LOL

Great content! I love your work.
Thank you for sharing your insights.
You really represent well ; )


Good advice to me
thank you .Soldier

Problems are issues, those could be solved, do it together, share knowledge and feel responsible. Dont forget to enjoy life and remember; issues where money is involved never could be a big issue, there is so much money on the planet; either cash or cypto.

That's an interesting article thank's for sharing.

I count to 10 with deep breadths whenever I get panic attacks, does help a lot :)

Love the words of inspiration!

beautiful piece, thank you... I can only hope that you might enjoy my latest piece... if you feel like taking a look xxx

a very motivational post, thank you.

Thought I would share one of my recent posts with you... if you would like to take a look :)

Never let what your eyes see determine what your heart believes. Your past is dead except for the life you give it. I always look at problems as opportunities in disguise.
Blessings to you!!!

what a great post!!!! very motivational! I would like to share one of mine with you, if you care to take a look...

Lady, you look so beautiful @soldier. I Enjoy seeing your post every day.

thanks or sharing ,

Very Practical Tips, Thank You


Great tips on controlling that monkey mind! Thanks

@soldier brilliant article as usual

PRESENTense is gift, a present


ice chapter my lovely dancer


Have fun in Barcelona. Just stay away from the mountains. There is a reptilian base there according to Captain Mark Richards. Ha!

Words in the core of high-end minds (y)

This post is very interesting, I have read what you write and I have experienced the problems you wrote above .... I can summarize your language is

  1. Never run away from problems stay firm and face it.
  2. Do not blame others if a problem occurs.
  3. If disturbed do not quickly take action against others but must remain relaxed.
  4. In my long term mind I mean A leader is a man of high patience,

This is what I can conclude from the above post, if anyone is not pleased I apologize. Thank @fahrullah

It is important to keep calm no matter how difficult or stressed the situation might be! Luckily i'm a super calm person who always find solutions for every 'problem'. Thanks for your advice ! I looove your high quality content!!!

Great article. My problem is being reactive, I know not to react, but in the moment sometimes it's hard. It's good to read articles like this to help remember to put things in perspective. Thanks!

As we think, so we become!
People stay limiting themselves by the power of the "Spell they Speak."

"Either we are going to Manifest or
We are going to let (Man)-Infest 😷"

Thanks for sharing beloved!

Yours Truly,

#Theeillgloryfactory 🙏🙏🙏

Just stay positive all the time, being negative doesn't help at all.

You might wanna check out my new post You Should Do These Things Whenever You Travel