Money Psychology - The Inner Game Of Mastering Money

in life •  8 years ago 

I believe that many people know the struggle with money. Sometimes a lot is coming in but we also have dark months where we have problems paying the electricity bill. Money controls us and our emotions. If you imagine the situation like a diagram it would look nearly the same as the Ripple diagram of the last month… Going up and coming down  

Families often have discussions over money. They used to argue a lot and sometimes partners even break up with each other. It could even destroy the whole family. And all that trouble just because they cant master the inner game of money.  

Money problems are not economic problems 

They are not business problems  

They are first and foremost psychological problems.  

This might be a little difficult for people to wrap their mind around because when you have financial problems and you are struggling with money, in no matter what kind of way, it is not getting fixed by getting an infusion of cash.  I always hear from people  

Oh If I only had a lot of cash or would win in the lottery, my life would be so much better and we wont have any problems anymore. Cash would solve everything.

Actually thinking this is a little illogical. Because the problems are psychological and stuck in your mind.  

Some of you may got a huge amount of cash and did that solve all your problems? The problems are going further and just taking it to a next level. They wont disappear.  I read a great example appropriate to this context.  

Dysfuncional relationships  

If you have a pattern of dysfunctional relationships the problem is not the people you relating to. The way how you think ( This girlfriend wasn´t right for me - This boyfriend did not match with my character ) No, its an inner game problem. You are going to keep having those bad relationship problems over and over and over again until you realized that you need to turn inwards and really take a look at your beliefs, attitudes and your whole paradigm of relationships.  

And the same thing goes with money.  Money is an emotional problem. We may think it is a rational problem and we would say either we have money or we have not. Some are poor and some are rich. Either the economy is good or is bad. Or your business is doing good or is doing bad. But money is very emotional. Its like a religion or politics. These are topics where people get heated up or getting very emotional about and of course thats why there are so many problems in these domains of life.  

When we get emotional, we tend to make errors and we tend to go unconscious where we cant see how our action backfires on us.  A big influence in our lives is our family. How we grew up with money, how our parents and siblings handled money and stuff like that. Its is getting difficult when partners have different philosophies about money. They tend to argue a lot and as I mentioned earlier, families also tend to get destroyed. Maybe you live in these pattern how you grow up with money or you are totally working against them.  

If you have not the right amount of money you wish for, you´re getting told - You don't have the right job. You don't own the right business etc. etc…. These obstacles are just illusions. In fact you should turn yourself inwards and take a look inside of your core attitudes and paradigms about money and THEN you might be able to solve all your money problems.  

Get the inner game right ! 

I am a big fan of psychological and spiritual videos. A few weeks ago I found - amazing content and very informative. This is where I found the headline for my post and the inspiration to talk about this topic. Money is a huge problem for many of us and we need to fix that in order to live a happier life.  I hope this was a little helpful for anyone who is reading this.  

Thanks for taking your time  

Stay focused 

Love, Soldier

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Money is a way of communication.

If you are dreaming about money, your dreams are made of paper.

I see it as an assistant and booster to our ideas and ideals. And those are the main reason that gives money such social value. Because the only important thing to a human being is the Idea and his own ideal. That's a philosophical question and psychology matter.

Thanks for this toughts inspiring article @soldier.

I truly love your mindset ! Money is just a tool and shouldn´t be a life goal. Thanks for your inspiring words

get the inner game right indeed
it's not the money its psychology indeed
so .. having seen a pattern .. $$$ thermostat wise ( no euro sign on my keypad) am guessing yours is set to high?

More sounds often better but you need to know how to deal with it.

Upvoted and followed, great original writing content :)

Thanks, appreciate it

A dollar saved is a dollar earned! That has helped us live a happy life. When you spend $10 you really need to earn more like $15 to get that same $10 back in your pocket. This is mainly because of Taxes, inflation, and tithing.

Yes sure, I totally agree with that. Of course we need to earn enough money to be able to pay our bills. But we make us problems by ourselves in our mind.

Yeah I see what you're saying. Great points :)

Wow, that smoking-guy gif is disturbing. : o

Although a bit old school I'd highly recommend Brian Tracy for anyone interested in a better "mental relationship" towards money.

"If you have not the right amount of money you wish for, you´re getting told - You don't have the right job."
I couldn't agree more and hope people really understand the implications of this. Don't waste your life in a job you don't like, even more so when you are not happy with the money you make.

I totally agree. Sorry that you dislike my gif.... Hope you like the others even better :)

Oh, don't worry. I think it's great in a nightmarish way. And I like horror movies etc, so... ;)


This is a very great post! You hear of the 'richest' people committing suicide, but it doesn't buy happiness or mean you know how to handle your wealth. Wanting more money without understanding how to handle it will lead you to further stress.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I agree with that! Maybe you are able to help family members, paying bills, taking care of the medical care and so on. But all these issues you have about money is all in your head! You can still be very happy with 50k a year instead of 500k a year. Its just a matter of your inner belief system

Money is not the problem, it is our attitude towards money that posed a problem

100% true !

Money cannot satisfy person.

True story

Yes I've seen it a lot. Even average people that win the lottery and they are a millionaire. Then 2 years later they are bankrupt. I like what Jesus said, He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

Great comment ! Its all a matter of the inner game and what Jesus said fits perfectly

Great article @soldier, you're completely right in my opinion.

I do think that having money enables us to have a lot of fun though, but it's not some fix-everything you can throw at a problem.

you´re 100% right ! Great mindset!

I'd have to say, in this day and age, if you don't have money, you're not going to survive. But if you don't have money, you're inspired to make it. So in a way, the lack of money really enables us to make money. It's that thought of "I have to do something" that craving for something better that slowly levels up our mentality. That's how I look at it anyway.
Good post btw!

Great mindset! Money is an important tool indeed, but it shouldnt rule your life. Think about having an assistant and just getting more of them to help you even more




If you want to truly master money, you cannot be obsessed about it. Money should never be the only reason why you do something. If it is, money will always master you.


High quality post ,waiting for another ❤❤

Thanks :)

Not having money causes so much stress. It can be so damaging to be broke.

You´re right and thats a matter of false thinking ! Instead of feeling depressed you should think that money is just a helper. Like an assistant and try to make more of them with a clear mind instead of hunting the cash

Yeah but if a person gets behind on bills it can be a very helpless feeling.

So true ! I get what you are saying. But money shouldn´t rule over your life. You should rule the money. If you are constantly scared of the future because of the money, obviously nothing good can happen. Always think positive , it will come right back to you! Even with money. For sure you need to be fluent with money , sitting back home with candle lights because you weren´t able to pay the electricity bill is a horror story !

Money shouldn't rule over your life like you said but sometimes it does. I have felt the crushing pressure of financial stress. It isn't fun an sometimes there isn't an easy answer to get out from under it.

When money rules your life then it might be a pattern of your family and it reflects how you grew up. Its not your fault but now its your turn to get out of this mindset! As I said, money is just a helper but it shouldnt ever rule your life ! Become greater than money... Not from now on, it takes time to get out of the old pattern

I like your post and your attitude about everything but when I was your age I never really felt any financial pressure for the most part. Not having proper access to capital can be a major issue in actually making money work for you. Once a person can live off of the interest of their investments then there aren't a lot of worries. The bills, taxes, fees....etc is enough to make someone go insane over here.

I am an independent woman who needs to work in case to have enough money to live the life that I chose. So I felt the financial problems as well. My family wasn´t rich, so I build everything on my own. I dont say that you dont need money to live. Of course you need it, its a tool. But people are chasing after money like its their last breath which is a huge problem because if you are able to pay your monthly bills, you should keep calm and change the way how you think about money....

I view money as symbols and a grand illusion. In truth it's just virtual currency. It's amazing the power it has over people. ;)

It controls nearly every human on the planet. Interesting system they made ^^

Very good post, I understand what you's the state of mind...I think it's the "not enough" type of thinking that causes people to react negatively. Upvoted and resteemed.

You´re totally right ! The "not enough" type of people who are chasing the money like its their last breath ...

plus you will give yourself a heart

Money in, in all current systems, is in some ways a necessary evil. Still, I prefer to view it as simply a tool. Not a thing to love, neither good nor evil. Simply one cause to many desirable effects, or one potential means to an end. Without it, I seek another way to goals. It isn't healthy to rely solely on one tool, especially a universal one, because it becomes a crutch, and then a drug, a weakness masquerading as strength.

Still, I prefer to view it as simply a tool. Not a thing to love, neither good nor evil.

Love this ! Totally agree with that

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great post!
This reminded me of something I heard recently.
"If you make 75k and UP a year , your happiness level stays relatively the same."
Once you make about 75k a year most needs can be meet with ease. Travel, health, well being.
If you make 75k or 150k supposly your happenss levels shouldn't change much. I feel like I would be happier making 150k. hahah
I would love to make 75k a year first, though ;)
what do you think?

First 75k a year is a nice goal. If you fix your core beliefs about money this will be extra great! But I believe no matter how much money you are going to have, you will still have problems because your way of thinking is completely wrong. Imagine how many "friends" would be ringing your door bell if they hear about you making 200k a year? If you cant handle that, you will still have problems no matter how much money you have

Exactly, more money more problems.

Yes very true!
Money definitely will not solve most core problems.
More money can help you solve some problems easier.

Totally right !

Great article, gives you something to think about

Money is an emotional problem

So very true. I have seen even the most rational people I know get emotional (both positively and negatively) when things happen with their investments.

So true !

Great post!
Thanks for sharing this awesome content.
Steem on :)

Thanks, I appreciate it

I think your post also highlights the importance of financial education. Perhaps we should teach children in school, not only where money comes from, but also give them the tools to define what money means to each one of them in their own lives and contexts.

Would be amazing to teach children in school what money actually is and how to deal with it!

Maybe in a couple of years, "learning about money" will include learning about crypto! ^^

Thats an amazing idea!

Money is ok as long as you dont fall in love with it.

Haha nice talking...

You don't mind me following you ?

Of course not :)

Thanks for sharing this amazing article @soldier

Thanks ! Appreciate it

This is absolutely correct .. We should keep ourself away from the destruction. Just earn money for family and oneself. Dont judge people and dont get affected if others judge you on the basis of money.

Grüße aus dem Rheinland Lars 😎👍
#upvoted und #resteemed
Schönes Wochenende aus Köln

@soldier iwant tlk to you follow me