SteemDance - How to dance - Female Version in Heels

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Welcome to a new episode of SteemDance! 

I recently posted about casual dance moves for beginners and I also got so many requests to do a men version and I did. Obviously I´m a woman and I dont want to forget my females out there even though we have more men on this platform than women. Typical moves for women are always danced in heels. It doesn´t matter how they look, you just need to feel comfortable. I personally love to wear heels. You will barely see me wearing flat shoes on special occasions. I love sneaker but my love for heels is totally even! It makes the legs appearing much longer, it looks sexy and you´re  walking very different with heels on!

There are so many different steps which wont fit in this post thats why I need to do more parts of this episode than just one. 


I call it the "Salsa" move. Its not an official salsa move but it has a little Spanish flavor in it! Just step to the side and move your hips like a semicircle. 

Step turn

It was really hard to find a name for that move. Just turn around using many steps with the same foot. When you step out, push your hips to the same side and feel free to use hands. 

Sexy Bodywave

This is a sexy body wave to the side. I often talk about body waves but this one is different form all the others. You dont go from the top simply down to the bottom. You go from the outer shoulder into the middle and down to your hips without any stops. 

Slide Ball Change 

One of the most popular dance moves is a kick ball change but I recreated it into a slide ball change which looks much more feminin and sexy. Slide to the back with a leg of your choice and as soon as you arrived to the back, you the the ball change to steps forward.

Bouncing Hips

Bouncing hips are quite easy. Just stay with your legs not too wide open maybe until your shoulders and push your hips forwards and backwards.

To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful...

I do not perform pole dance but I found this cute logo which made me laugh a little.

Sadly I couldnt find the perfect location to film these steps, so I can not wait to shoot part 2 at a much nicer place!

I put all steps together and created some new steps in it while performing. 

I believe girls want to know how to dance in public for example at clubs or beach parties. Those steps above are just for peop le who strive to dance! All other moves will coming next time on my episode of SteemDance. 

Thanks for reading 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier

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Dancing on the ceiling!

Great post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks, appreciate it

Just realized im going to Moonrise festival this weekend and rave girls dancing like this everywhere. I see a lot of these moves at EDM festivals.

oh nice, have fun!

Looks awesome! Wish I had those moves

haha its more for girls but practice makes perfect! It is never too late to start

Haha I hear you

I am Dancing Boys

Then check out the dance post I did before :)

nice setting youre in. I wonder where you are !

Its close to where I live. Nothing special just a little lake in forest :)

Nice! Where do you go to show off these moves??
Always nice to come by your posts. Pleased to see your dancing, after that fact!

I like to go out whenever I travel. If there´s a great club, music that I like and cool people... I´m ready to dance

Another beautiful post.

I actually like your choice of setting for the fact that it doesn't distract the viewer from your dance moves. :-)

Thank you, glad to hear that!

I am dancing vicariously through you, @soldier ;)
Love your posts!

Love to hear that! Glad you enjoy my SteemDance series and I would love to see videos of my readers to see how they implement my tips

Ahh! What a great idea! I'm putting it in my planner now...

i really love your dance but i suggect you to do baly dance im so excited to see you dancing it with a classical music <3

Oh I have never tried that out! Great idea ! I love meeting different cultures especially in dancing

Super moves! Thanks for the video, it is amazing.

Really glad you like it :)

This could actually be useful! I'm a lousy dancer and I did spot one or two moves that I'm going to be stealing! thanks!

Practice makes perfect! Glad I could help you

Damn girl @soldier you can dance to anything I bet ! These moves seem a little more difficult to me but I will still try them out :D your body just moves with you . 👌🏽

Thanks lovely! Sure they´re a bit trickier but we´re girls and I think we should practice how to dance in heels right?

Exactly ;) I totally agree

Definitely an upvote! Good post.

Thank you so much!

Very Nice Moves Soldier . . . and you have made it easy to see and learn.
Great job.

Thanks! And yes, that´s the job of a dancer! Make it look easy even if its not ! But I´ll promise, its not that hard as it might seems

Support me and enter here your collaboration is important

Upvoted :)

Support me and enter here your collaboration is important @gr3g0r Follow Me!

your girlfriend and me picture is so true haha, nice dancing

hahaha I just thought this is so funny!!!

Great tutorial.
Totally nice approch

Thanks a lot!

🔥Queen B... Queen soldier, you got moves/it

ohhh you make me blush!! Thank you my dear friend ! Appreciate the love

Aw no prob! & cheers

and....I've resteemed again. you are a true definition of amazing. lovely moves you got

Ohhh you make me blush. Thanks for your support !!!

every day dancing ;) happy life , happy activity :)


Good dance @soldier i like.

Thanks! Appreciate your support :)

Woo! Slick moves :)

Thanks !

@soldier As always very instructive. What amazes me more is how much fun you look like you are having while shooting the video. Seeing how much you enjoy and love what you do actually just placed a smile on my face :)

This is so true! I love dancing so much and you can truly see it on my face. I wish there would be a better place to film it but I live so far away from the city :/ I try to shoot at a better lace next time

The country isn't a bad place to film your moves, it's a cool contrast to see some "city moves" with a rural background.

Wow nice bouncing hips.


Dance is great for health. Both for weight loss and also for fitness because the body is aerobic then it takes a special time to perform dance. thank you for sharing.

Totally agree with it! Dancing is like fitness

It's fun to do dance and rhythmic movements. All happy...

I can only wish I can move like you girl :)

practice makes perfect ;)

On the GIF that you have at the end of your post, (the Stay Focused GIF), I honestly thought it said Slay instead of Stay XD Gotta stay focused, but you can't forget to slay while doing it :P


i was interested in the last male version, but not too much on practice this in heels lol.
But is already nice to see ;)

So beautiful 😍😍😍

steemit's main dance queen =)

nice post!
looking good ;)

@solider u really dance very well!! And you also much beautiful to I think no one can dance like you beacause you are special :)

oh nice soldier , i love your steemdance post thanks for sharing

Awesome @soldier, really sweet dance moves from sweet soldier.

Vote me vote me i vote you

Do you partner dance? I have been doing east coast swing and lindy hop for about a dozen years. I don't need to have great moves...I just need to know how to make my partner have fun and keep her safe on the dance floor. :)

wow so cool ur dance its sooper and ur all photos are already beautifull mam

its a really great chance for me that i see ur dance its really wonderfull

@soldier You are beautiful! :D Love your video, message, and music choice! I've been listening to Spanish music too, what a coincidence. Please save a public dance for me <3 Namaste

Woooww Really nice post :D you are a good dancer :D " A mi me gusta como bailas " you won a follower and my vote :3 im new on here :3 and i ll appreciate if you check my post out about my country. greetings from Argentina :3

You are beautiful! Keep doing yo thang!

i dont stop myself to appriciate ur for ur exellent dance and sure everone appriciate u bcz its really exellent

sure it is a perfect steem dance and i hope we will see ur new dance soon soldier

whats a wonderfull dance really i like it.

really nice job
I love your dance

Awesome, loving the simplicity but yet still exotic....Beautiful!!!

Who knew education could be so much fun? First move I ever learned was the running man watching MC Hammer in the early 90's, lol. Nowadays I just wing it, but I can it makes a tremendous difference learning steps vs. freestyling. :) Digging the music too.

really good dancer
soldier. thank you for sharing

Hey @soldier your post gives me hope! know why? because it makes me believe that people like me who have 2 left feet can learn to dance reading your posts and watching and following your steps. As you know that hope can move mountains so it is a good thing to get started and learn by following your post and videos thank you :)

Such a fan now!! <3 <3 <3 @soldier

I love dancing! I would be so happy if I could get to dance everyday. When I dance, I feel the music penetrates my soul; I always found myself smiling. Your dance tips are helpful.

Nice move

Great steps I really enjoyed that steps thanx for sharing

I always look forward to your post especially the dancing. You are very talented and make dancing seem so easy.

great post nice some moves loved to follow you.

Really beautiful dance, awesome performance. Keep posting .

This is so creative! Free dance lessons, wow! Seriously genius, @soldier. And then an invite to do a reply video showing what we've learned? Hmmm... 💃🏽

Do you tap as well?

nice @soldier

all dancing steps great!

I love this i love this i love this.
I have always loved salsa.
Great body
great shape
Great moves!!!

I love how you used gifs of you dancing to show the different dance moves. Very nicely presented, thanks for sharing. ❤

Sehr schöne Tanzeinlagen! Keep it up :)

You got the moves like Jagger! In a good way! Love it :)

Wow, amazing skills! Really sensual moves :) And I love the logo :D Upvoted :)

Hey! Your post literally saved my life! With your tutorial now I can dance new kind of dances on streets beautiful European cities I will travel to. Thanks a lot! I follow you to see more. :D

Wow!! I wish I could move my stiff uncoordinated body like you do, girl!! =D

I find the setting to be rather somehow makes your profi dancing a little less intimidating because of the forest setting and because it's somewhere near your home ;)

You are pretty amazing.
I liked your video.

I enjoyed you dancing very much.

@soldier OMG Excellent dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

loved the Salsa move :D

oh my god. i'm in love with ur moves.
love ur posts . have fun

I definitely want to go to the same clubs that you are hitting.

Your moves look great. Girls like to dance, may as well give out some instruction. Every man thinks that is time well spent. Keep it up with your fun posts. Most of the stuff I look at, are time and focus intensive. I enjoy coming across one of your posts. Always makes me happier.

its so great i see ur dance first time u have a big talent soldier

You are just amazing and doing so much good to the community by sharing your dancing skills. I love your spirit and dedication.

@soldier Steem dance
The 1st part "SteemDance Men version"
The 2nd part "SteemDance Female Version in Heels"
keep up pretty @soldier you are a great dancer

Hello friend, very good tutorial !!! I learn or I learn ..... jajjaja.
I just started in steemit, and also with the subject of the photos., I am going to upload photos of my country Argentina, I would greatly appreciate your vote in my post, Thank you !!!!


ur all steps are amaizinly good and best keep it up and do more for ur reach its high level oneday in some ur own song

Congratulations @soldier!
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Interesting... You made a few movements with your body. You have put on something on your face, ultimately rendering your real face unrecognizable. You have motor oil on your eye-brows for some reason which would be like a man putting motor oil on his beard. And that is worth $131.

The pussy has been put on the pedestal yet again! But fear not, the welfare state will collapse, bringing an end to the Wester gynocentric society. :')

You just made me dance now, thanks a lot.

Very sexy. I love your movements