How I became a teacher and sacrificed my dreams: Part 1 of 2

in life •  7 years ago 

Finding work and losing a dream

It's quite funny and amazing how I got to be in the profession that I am in today. I am a teacher. I've been teaching for three years now and everyday is an adventure. I fell into this by mistake, or maybe it was fate...It hasn't always been rosy though. It took a lot out of me to get to the point where I am. it's been a bitter sweet journey.
This is part 1, the bitter part

My academic background

I've studied for six consecutive years at tertiary level. My studies started with a certificate in an introductory computer course for 6 months. I then set at home for the remainder of the year. I remember it was in 2010 during the soccer world cup that was hosted by my country. That tournament at least kept me busy for that time.

In 2011 I enrolled at North West University where I studied for the following four and a half years. During the fifth year I was doing my Masters in Medical Sociology. I didn't complete it however as life has a funny way of getting in the way.

How I became a teacher and sacrificed my dreams

During the same year when I was studying my Masters, I got a job offer for a teaching post. Funny thing is I wasn't looking for a job at the time. I was focused on my studies. It really fell on my lap. Who am I to turn away such an opportunity when most graduates are unemployed?

I didn't have any prior training in the field of teaching but It would've been foolish of me to say no to a job. I told myself that I'll learn as I go along and so I did.
Job scarcity is at an all time high. The phrase beggars can't be choosers held true in that situation... That’s how I felt at the time anyway. My perspective has changed drastically since then.

Balancing studies and work

It was rather difficult balancing my work with my studies. To make things worse, since I was unqualified as a teacher I had to attain a qualification in teaching. It was impossible to study 2 different courses and work a full time job at once. One had to give. My dreams of having a PhD in my chosen field of study had to be sacrificed. However unfortunate it was, that was my reality. It broke my heart.

It is a harsh and cruel world we are living in. I've seen my fellows struggling after all their academic accolades. I wasn't about to make the same mistakes. However painful it was I had to grow up and transcend into adulthood and leave my student life behind.

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I am saddened to hear that you consider your dream lost. I am looking forward to part 2, so I can find out if you enjoy teaching. You can always go back to your dream, teaching can be a means to the end.

I changed careers after my husband died. I closed my law practice and went back to school to become a history teacher. While I 'm currently not teaching now, so that I can help out my elderly parents, I do work as a coach of a high school debate team. I love it!

It is the perfect marriage of my legal and teaching skills! It is personally extremely satisfying to see my kids, develop confidence, find their voice , and develop their critical thinking skills.

It is quite motivating to learn of people who pursued their dreams after doing other things. Again I'm sorry for your loss. I'm glad you find working with your children so rewarding. I would say more but I would be giving away hints of part two. I need you to come back for it lol. Thank you for this wonnderful post.

Thanks, it is understandable that you don't want to reveal to much before you post part 2. Building up suspense, is a great way to get people coming back.

I really hope that it works and they do come back.
It's difficult getting attention here on steemit when you're only a few days old. I feel like these initial posts are important as they are my foundation. But they are not getting enough attention. I do understand however that I need to build a following and that it does take time... it's just a bit frustrating...

Yes, it can be frustrating. But, stick with it, being in @hopehuggs group means you are not alone on this journey. If we stick together as a group and help each other out, we not only get to celebrate our own success but that of our new friends!

Yes being in her group has helped tremendously. Her advice is always sound. I'll keep at it and follow her examples.

Your post has been selected to feature in Teamsouthafrica's Daily nominated post channel. Well done!

Thank you oh so much. It is such an honour. I have been hoping for this since I started😃

No education is ever wasted, perhaps once you have settled in teaching, you will be able to find time to continue with studies.

Life might take you down a completely different road and none of the above will be applicable.

In the moment, you have made the right decision for you @solomonsel too many highly educated youth are walking the streets looking for employment.

I've written a part two to this post. Please do read it. I love my job now. It's fulfilling. I didn't plan for things to turn out this way but now I'm glad I did. Part two has all the thought of this.

Sounds like part 2 is going to tell a happier story @solomonsel, life takes us on funny twists and turns. Perhaps one day you can go back and obtain that PhD :)

Please go read part two. It's already up and it is happier. Thank you for the encouragement.