I read a lot of posts when online. Starting today, I will begin sharing a comment made to an author’s original post, in an effort to increase recognition of the original author; as well as, making an attempt to inspire further discussion to the comment.
To start things off, a post by a @marvellord, detailing his desire for a girlfriend, sparked the following:
Should I go for the ugly ones, why will I ever date a girl I don't like?
Absolutely not! ;+)...It's ALL perception. It's really true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When your Miss Right enters the picture, you may be the only one to see her beauty. That's the power of love. "Charm is deceptive; and, beauty is fleeting" thus says the Lord. (Psalm 31:30)
We tend to want/crave the things in life that are the most fleeting. They are fleeting because we aren't genuinely ready/prepared for them.
In your case, you are needy. I say that in the most respectful of ways. Many people are, especially as this commercial-ridden Feb 14th V-Day approaches. The thought of being a solo act with no one to buy flowers/candy/luxuries for can be a downer if we focus on such.
If you really want 'love' in your life, then be loving. I'll offer you a challenge. Let me know how it goes.
For Valentine's Day, buy what you would if you had a 'girlfriend'. Invite the person you'd like to be your girlfriend to dinner and a movie...NO STRINGS ATTACHED...i.e. no moves made. The next day return to life as is. Maybe you'll have a new girlfriend, maybe you won't; but, you can at least say you lived the moment.
Lastly, I don't believe in dating...I know...Say whaaaaaat? NOPE. I believe that when God sends someone your way, then it is time. Until then, dating builds a track record of wins/losses/draws. This creates a jaded perspective for many, that by the time the right person comes along, the emotional baggage is so strong, you risk losing by the negative thoughts of the past.
I know this probably doesn't help; but, it sounds like you want the company of a good friend, as noted, more than the carnal aspect of living life out of order...aka premarital sex.
Busy yourself in places where single women are...bookstores...libraries....college coffee hubs....(I deliberately omitted places of worship; because, seeking a date taints the genuine motive for attending).
Know that, the fact that she hasn't shown up is merely because her time/your time has not yet come.
Here’s a link to @marvellord ’s original post:
The conversation continued with an ‘amusing’ discussion refuting my premise about dating. ;+)
Best regards.