You are speaking to the quantum field 24 hrs/day creating your reality - consciously or unconsciously....why not 'do it on purpose'?

in life •  7 years ago 

Studies show that the majority of the population is thinking with their subconscious mind 88-95% of the time. They are thinking the same thoughts over and over and over, day in and day out. Here is the problem: science shows that we create our reality with our thoughts and emotions and if people are sleepwalking through life, they are letting life happen TO THEM instead of mindfully creating their life FOR THEM.

If we keep thinking the same thoughts, we keep seeing the same life.

Want to create your life on purpose? Become mindful of your thoughts and emotions - live in the present moment fully aware of what you are thinking, thereby creating.

Everyone has heard of The Secret but did you know that there is science that backs it all up? The law of attraction isn't just a buzz term - you quite literally create your reality - everything you see, you can take full responsibility for.

You live in the matrix (coined by Max Planck, Grandfather of quantum physics). This matrix (referred to in many ways including the aether), is filled with plasma (also known as the fourth state of matter). Plasma has an electrical charge to it. Now you. Your body has a biofield that can be seen with the help of devices. This biofield changes based on your emotions, your thoughts create your emotions. The electrical charge you create speaks to the quantum field 24 hours/day. So, consciously or unconsciously - you create your reality....why not do it on purpose?

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