I'm Back, baby! ...Did you miss me?
I've been offline for the past week. I haven't even had a moment to check steemit, let alone create a post. This is ridiculous.. I've just started and already I'm taking a holiday.
Ok, well it wasn't really one of those 'all-inclusive-Cancun-resort, shades-on, tequila-sipping vay-cays..'
No, this was all business.. you might recall if you have been following me, I'm moving out!.. well, guess what??
I've moved!..
..Well, mostly..
What I thought might take 1-2 days of all-day hustle to get the job done.. has boiled over to 4..5..6..
Last Saturday, I was waiting for a guy to fix the roof on the new place, and come install a hot-water shower. It caused me to reflect on the Do-It-(all)-Yourself attitude in Thailand.
My wife was pressuring me to sell some things because the new place is A LOT smaller than our old house... I quickly took some phone photos of some random stuff and put it up for sale on Facebook..
.. well, I must have seriously undervalued my crap.. (I suck at pricing things).. I knew that in an instant when my phone started ringing off the hook even before the for sale post had finished uploading.. I mean.. seriously
people must be able to smell a sucker from a mile away..

From that moment, my life has been a non-stop hectic roller-coaster of a ride. This week has been insane.. I didn't anticipate how much juggling and corresponding selling 90% of my possessions would take. I also overlooked the fact that my wife would pretty much be unavailable to assist with any aspect of the move, having to take care of our incredible-awesome-better-than-your-4-month-old baby.
That left me to be in charge of.. 100% of the auctioning and selling of possessions, packing, transporting, and unloading of remaining possessions, and cleaning and scrubbing of both houses.. old and new..
I've never had a week like this in my life before, where every night I am zombie-like-dead-to-the-world-with-exhaustion passed out in bed..

It was a crazy week, but well worth it..