RE: Need to "No"

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Need to "No"

in life •  5 years ago 

I've considered a facebook/youtube purge.. I don't have the fb app on my phone.. just messenger.. i don't miss facebook at all.. its just mindless chitter chatter.. I tend to only use messenger, cause thats the best way to keep in touch with friends and family.

Youtube on the other hand, is a black hole for my time.. I find a few interesting videos about something that I want to know about, but even after I've consumed that, i find myself hours later, desperately trying to find something to watch.. it's like an addiction.. i should probably delete the app and log out on my computer.

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Yeah, having those apps in our phone is like putting a black hole in our backyard. We thii we just play or kill some time with it, actually it ends up owning us.

I prefer to kill it all the way. Let's be free!