Miss. Opinionated : Modern Toughness

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

A couple months ago I read an excellent article on the New York Times about making modern toughness in today's world.

It highlights the need for the youth of today to devote themselves to their own telos - the higher purpose of living - whether that's an ideal, a relationship or a cause or all three.

So often, we forget our telos, distracted by bottomless work and numbing hedonism. It's no wonder that we feel emotionally fragile. Our minds are always in the gear of critical thinking. We've become such cynics, and it's cool to be cynical, it's funny. It's as if you're hedging your own bet so as not to get hurt. We become hardened, we cherish individualism. Sacrificing on your current happiness is weak and obviously an unwanted choice.

But as I get older, I often feel these tugs deep within me, nudging me to attempt to answer these questions:

  1. What are my ideals? Where in the world embodies similar values as mine?
  2. What kind of people do I want to surround myself with? What kind of relationship do I want to commit to?
  3. Is there a cause for my existence here? What is my destiny?

And if you hang around the middle aged, you hear a common story line to explain the rise of the orchid generation. Once upon a time, the story line goes, kids were raised in a tough environment. They had to do hard manual chores around the house and they got in fights on the playground. Then they went off to do gruelling work in the factory or they learned toughness and grit in the military.

Today, we are gifted with the freedom of choice, options galore. A free hand to cherry pick whatever we want in our lives, a privilege perpetuated by our own parent's protectionism, so afraid to let their kids try and get hurt, that we fail to find our higher purpose on our own.

We are all fragile when we don’t know what our purpose is, when we haven’t thrown ourselves with abandon into a social role, when we haven’t committed ourselves to certain people, when we feel like a swimmer in an ocean with no edge.

We must keep striving. I want to look past the apathy, I want to create my own telos.





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I have the strangest feeling that we created our telos before we were born - and that the task is to remember and implement it.

That's very interesting. Perhaps the experiences we accumulate in life act like keys to small windows on a box within ourselves, holding the blueprints to our telos. To open a window is to peer into our true selves. Our telos becomes more lucid as we do so.

Perhaps a "deja vu" experience is one such key.

That is quite interesting. I'm of the mindset that there is a finite amount of energy. It doesn't dissipate. You can't create more. But energy CAN be reconfigured or made into something new which affects and influences us in innumerable ways within mind, body and spirit.

But unless you have a way to overcome entropy, the energy comes to have less and less creative potential as your possibilities dissipate away into random noise.

I'm of the mindset that overcoming entropy (rising up in creative potential) is possible for small groups of people but not for the masses. Does that make me a chauvinist or a realist?

Overcoming entropy in a closed system is quite baffling to me, because it would require energy from the outside to do work against the trajectory of what is happening already. So when you theorise that a small group of people can do that, I read it as a small group of people have developed internal mechanisms within the closed system (either through innate ability or environmentally developed) which can intrinsically and autonomously alter internal energy arrangements.

What are you taking as your "closed system"? What is a closed system for most may not be so closed for some.

     Total Eclipse

The Emissary arrives in many disguises,
A shutter that opens and closes.
Two freeze time in a frame
Of painful and awkward poses.

Two charge and recharge the battery,
Repulsed by the Earth as a rocket.
Two ride on the wings of some lofty being.
I keep my Aim in my pocket.

Picture a tunnel (a cube, if you will)
With interchanging faces.
Which side has the door
Through which I might slide?

They taught me in School of such spaces.

. ............................ Spiral of Friends

It was an extension of what merej99 suggested. The fact that we have a finite amount of energy which can neither be dissipated or more created. Only re-arranged.

That may or may not be true for the Universe as a whole - I have no way of knowing and speculation is useless. But that energy cannot enter or leave a given subsystem of the Universe as a whole is certainly not true. Take the Earth within our solar system - energy both enters and leaves the earth. Take the thin skin of biological life upon the Earth. Energy both enters and leaves it. Take the tiny sub-system of humanity within the thin skin of organic life upon the Earth. Energy both enters and leaves.
Do you see where I am going with the anologies?

Great article, short and sweet. There's so much we could talk about here in relation to this... In time, for the moment, and namaste :)

Upvoted and followed

Thank you very much!

You seem to steem up your life ;)
Great blog. Greetings from @steemokto

Documenting my journey on creating my own telos is empowering. Thanks for the support :)

Same for me. I recognized your work in which you seem to put all of your power. If you keep it up you'll become a real big fish. I wish you good luck on your way there. Maybe you'll even become a revolutionizer beyond steemit. Stay with it ;)

Juuuuump! xD

Next step is to fly!

Beautiful and Lovely girl, upvoted!

are you taking a philosophy course, girl? In Aristotelian philosophy teleology is more related to uncovering the purpose of things in nature. I think you're more concerned with discovering the meaning of your life, and you don't need big words to do that LOL!!

That's interesting! The article by David Brooks in the New York Times really resonated with me, because what I got out from it was that telos isn't actually about just the meaning of life. It's more granular than just asking the big question of why we exist, what is our purpose etc.

Not only this, the interesting part about it all is whether people are losing the connection between what they deemed their telos to be , and what they then seek to achieve in their life.

upvoted and followed, nice work look forward to more.


I think that such questions are not asked only stupid people

  1. What are my ideals? Where in the world embodies similar values as mine?
  2. What kind of people do I want to surround myself with? What kind of relationship do I want to commit to?
  3. Is there a cause for my existence here? What is my destiny?

But such people are actually a lot. But I respect their choice. I respect any choice.

I wasn't implying that stupid people ask these questions. Certainly, most people have pondered these questions at some point in their lives, if not continue to.

As you say, their choice is to be respected. It is those that have not made a choice that I question my respect for.

Lady, the last shot is really something. :-)


啊 只是一些随想啦

These questions are a perfect distraction from the concrete reality most young people face.

The uninteresting reality is that most of us are struggling to put a roof on our head, and it needn't be that way.

Hundreds of years of philosophy have peaked at existentialism which concludes life is absurd, at the heart of science is the admission that we can't know anything for sure.

The reason I dont ask these questions is because greater men than me have concluded they're a path to nowhere. Not because I'm a cynic.

I'm not asking these questions, because we have real problems. People are dying in the thousands in Syria, nobody can afford a house and facism is the new black.

Now the New York Times wants to criticise my generation for a lack of navel gazing?

You keep all the high ideals you like, your ivory tower is held on the backs of a suffering majority.

Very awesome post! I really enjoyed it!

Hola sweetsssj! Upvoted y seguido