Steemit saved me from a fast-food job. Day 7 Reflection

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi all,

You know what they say; ‘Sunday's are a great time for relaxing and looking back at the past week’, ok I don’t know who’s says that but it still has meaning. Anyways it's time for another long form essay, so without further ado, lets jump into it!

Sauce of image:

I had a dream the other night, that I had woken up, and that this whole thing called steemit just didn’t exist, I had made it up in my head. It was ‘monday’, my first day of work at a local burger joint, I was dreading it, the idea that I would be payed minimum wage for hours of repetitious and gross work. I said goodbye to my family and headed off to town. I got to the burger joint, and my dream continued on with a cruel strain of realism, because I started working. The work I had to do was labor intensive, smelly, sweaty and just overall not fun, and worst of all required that I become a drone. Then the dream shifted a bit, now it was wednesday, I looked in the mirror and saw bags under my eyes, and just an overall negative disposition. I wished that I could do something different in my life, hoping that my fate wasn’t to subsist on a low skilled job paying less than minimum wage for the rest of time. The dream continued like this, I saw myself grow older and more sad, knowing there had to be MORE…. And then I woke up (for real this time, no inception bullshit).

----interlude and background info----

It is weird how life progresses, bad things happen, good things happen, our moods go up and down, our opportunities get destroyed or offered to us in a blaze of golden glory! We all have these parts of our lives, and since I am just starting my adult life, everything is so new and unknown. I do not have a college degree, though I do have some credits, so that means I cannot get in through the door at many jobs. Especially since when the 2008 recession hit, a lot of people lost their jobs and businesses fled rural northern california. 9 years later some thing's are better but as recovered as the cities have gotten. So my choice of jobs is still limited.

----interlude and background info----

The sigh of relief was immense, because I realized that what my subconscious mind had constructed for me wasn’t my reality, it just almost was. If not for last Sundays insanity, with me hitting 50 followers, meeting the people I did and accumulating over 200$ in rewards for my work, I would have accepted a shitty job offer and would be in a totally different state of mind. I chuckle to myself because of how surreal this all is. But it saddens me, because I know that working hard for very little is the fate of hundreds of thousands of other men and women, that is why I want to make it my mission to spread this amazing opportunity around as much as I can!

I’ve spent much of this week in total and complete AWE, at the reaction to all my work and my art. I honestly thought ‘hey this isn’t gonna work is it?” when I first started and I am so happy that I was dead wrong. Before I leave for the night, I wanted to thank as many of the wonderful people I have met this last week in the place of unhappy managers yelling at me to cook something! You will recognize many of these names from my top ten steemers I met this week post! First, @sykochica my steemit mom, confidant and guide, @theprophet0 my first steemian super-friend and witness aficionado (Vote for him or RISK MY WRATH!), @timcliff the grand magician warlock of steem who started this whole adventure and who always blows my mind with his pure kindness and knowledge(Vote for the magician witness, you damn muggles), @fyrstikken my fellow norsky with incredible rant skills and an all powerful witness node, @officialfuzzy another super witness and the amazingly kind and knowledgeable founder of #whaleshares, @papa-pepper for showing me that steemit can help achieve my dreams of my own 100% certified-proof-of-homestead-and-self-sufficient-lifestyle.png, @trafalgar for the giggles supplied in discord and all appreciated up votes, @ausbitbank the coolest aussie in town, witness extraordinaire with impenetrable kindness and really… really… good taste in music (remember if ego surpasses 60% you owe me a chess match ^_^), @aggroed the autobot dolphin of the people and one of the rare few who puts up with my newb questions and shit (I hope you liked your painting, hopefully I brought you some votes), @lukestokes another witness afficianado and crypto wizard (thank you again for the amazing welcome, also VOTE FOR THIS MAN ASWELL!!), @opheliafu another one of my artist mentors and icons(thank you for helping me get started in the art field here at steemit!), @canadian-coconut the super Mom supreme (thank you again for reading my blog about my homeschooling, it meant a lot), @artwithflo, and so so many others!

I love you all, my mind thanks you, my imagination thanks you, but most of all, my spirit thanks you!

TLDR; Steemit blogger>Fastfood fry cook.

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Hey @synesthesia,
You don’t have to need a college degree to be successful in life. higher education in USA is a money making business, unless you enroll in some type of community college OR win a nice, fat scholarship! Do not worry, life expects you to have far more important skills than from a regular diploma. And I've seen so many successful people that are in fields that do not require diploma.
School does NOT teach you or guide you to ALL opportunities of life, to be honest, they concentrate on a couple of majors only!
Also, it really depends on location if you ask me! With Internet nowadays you can do tons of stuff and as you see with crypto even you can past the breaking point of being, well.. poor. Just keep in mind that online business is not forever, jys because something is working now, doesn’t mean it will be the same a year or two down the road, so always have a backup plan.
Lots of luck to you!

I love that comment. I wrote a piece on college and why you shouldn't go to college. Followed and upvoted!

Congratulations! Well deserved. Pat your self on the back for being dilligent and seizing the opportunity when it arrived. Most people dont. Resteemed!

Finally read this as I promised yesterday! :D

Congratulations on "making it" on Steemit, by the way!

It's interesting comparing everyone's goodwill on Steemit in regards to upvotes with the low pay of a burger joint. Readers are of course not customers, but still... I have't met any rude people yet, and opinions and articles usually get some folks riled up like burger joint customers being mad about not getting their food fast enough.

It's an incredible platform for sure. Good luck riding the steem-train onwards and upwards!

I love the idea of writing for a living and this place has given me a great out let.

Steem is revolutionary / has a good community.
too many people just stay in a job they are not happy with...

Carpe diem & Livet är vad du gör det till

"The cave you fear to enter, holds the treasure you seek" - Joseph Campbell

Really enjoyed this! Thank you so much, we really need the hope inspired by such posts and to continue on into this wonderful world of steemit. Been very happy with what we have achieved so far in our three weeks, and I hope and pray we can continue on to give us another way to earn while doing things we love.

Keep Steemin' Keep Dreamin' thanks for the good post, followed and upvoted.

congratulations on finding a better path @synesthesia I have just started as well. What advice would you give to a newbie who sometimes feels lost as to what to do?