Artificial intelligence in HR: finding the right balance

in life •  9 months ago 

In a few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our connected life. Siri and Alexa answer our smallest questions, while driving assistance systems avoid morning traffic.

AI has intrigued and excited numerous organisations beyond these natural connections. They automate monotonous jobs, optimise business processes, and create more effective digital marketing campaigns with it.

Human Resources has also explored AI. Without being a magical cure, AI offers new insights for hiring and retaining personnel more efficiently.


This article will explore AI-assisted HR, providing examples of its many uses.

How to automate HR activities for efficiency?
HR: Explore the HR revolution with our exclusive guide to HR process automation!

AI is changing recruitment: efficiency, fairness, and applicant experience!

AI is revolutionising recruitment by saving time, improving precision, and objectivity. Many firms have AI-based application tracking and management software (ATS). Automating time-consuming activities lets them focus on candidate relationships.

L'IA lets you disseminate job offers quickly and intelligently by selecting the best job boards and tailoring material to the profile you want.

Certain sourcing solutions use algorithms to find candidates on social media and employment sites based on company criteria.

No more CV sorting by hand. AI pre-selects the best candidates based on objective skills from CVs and cover letters. Thus, you eliminate unconscious prejudices like membership bias—the terrible desire to hire individuals like us!

AI can automate operations like organising interviews, communicating with candidates, and maintaining paperwork. This automation lowers the possibility of forgetting to answer or ghosting candidates, boosting your company brand.

Communication with candidates is faster: Chatbots can answer queries and guide candidates through the recruiting process on your career site in real time. The AI uses surfing history and content to provide personalised job offers that entice applicants.

79% of recruiters predict AI will be advanced enough to make thorough hiring and firing judgements by 2025, while 41% of organisations utilise AI chatbots to connect with prospects (Statesman).

AI for recruiting diversity and inclusion
AI can help recruiters promote diversity and inclusion.

To eliminate bias in the selection process, AI can objectively analyse CVs and cover letters using predetermined criteria, without considering gender, ethnicity, or age. ‍

Find job- and company-fit candidates before hiring: AI analyses candidate and corporate data to determine cultural and team fit. The system may find applicants who align with the company's beliefs and goals and fit well with the team, creating a productive and harmonious work environment.

AI is transforming talent management and employee loyalty. AI can analyse HR data to better understand employee requirements and goals and deliver personalised career development options.

Concrete AI applications in this domain are included here.

AI can detect disengagement and performance deterioration in HR data, enabling early risk assessment and corrective actions.

AI can analyse employee abilities and needs to create customised development and training plans, fostering professional growth.

AI may analyse employees' career routes, aspirations, and talents to find internal mobility opportunities and assist career advancement.

Identification of internal talent
AI can analyse HR data to discover talented employees and recommend them for management roles or projects based on their expertise.

Continuous evaluation and performance management
AI may analyse employee results and deliver personalised feedback, enabling ongoing performance appraisal.

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