Why we must do more of what makes us happy

in life •  2 months ago 

In life, we often feel pressured to do various things and achieve certain milestones. Influences from movies, books, ads, and society can lead to a mindset of "should." This pressure can create inner conflict.

We might feel obligated to follow these expectations, even if they don't align with our true desires. Guilt and shame often accompany defying these "shoulds." As a result, we may act against our own wishes.

This pressure can manifest in major decisions, like moving to a larger home as income increases, or feeling the need to have children because of societal norms or peer pressure.


Even smaller choices, like going to the gym after a missed session or visiting attractions while traveling, can feel like obligations.

While there's nothing wrong with upgrading your living situation or exploring popular sights, it becomes problematic when a genuine desire turns into a "should." This happens when we feel forced to act in a way that doesn't reflect our true selves.

If you're accustomed to following "should" guidelines, it can take time to discover your genuine wants and needs. Understanding how you want to live requires self-reflection and the courage to say no. Recognizing when to listen to your own desires instead of external pressures is crucial.

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