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What an amazing and beautifully written story. I am very much impressed and glad you have arrived in Steemit.

Thank you so much. I love your posts @stellabella

Hey, I'm from '88 too. When is your birthday @thebluepanda? You look really pretty in that pic. And, thanks for sharing your story. Didn't know much about the hearing aids, Eargo sounds really cool, can people without hearing problem use it? I wonder if it will enhance your hearing power like a binocular or telescope that makes you see things that are far up close.

hahahahah i never thought in this way lol. if u want to spend $1900 for enhancing thats fine with me ;)

Damn, $1900 is too much. I could get a motorbike with that kind of money over here. I had seen a product on a teleshopping show on TV few years ago that claimed itself to be the binoculars for ears. It claimed that it will give you superhearing power. I wonder if they still sell it.

better a motorbike. why would u even need superhearing power? the world is already too noisy lol

hahahaha yeah, that's right, I wonder if the US military special forces like SWAT already have this kind of device to make their soldiers more effective in the battlefield. Such power could also be used to locate victims who can't be reached easily in times of disasters like the earthquake we had over a year ago which could save a lot of lives. I don't know, I think I'm overly optimistic about things.

Must have been hard being born in a country under the communist regime! , You are so very open to us! , You have taught me to appreciate what I have , Thank you!

It's still hard living here. But you got to be strong when there is no other choice. You are absolutely welcome :)

I was bullied too as a child so I know those feelings only to well. Children can be reallt cruel but thankfully most of them grow up. Glad you got an apology, I'm still waiting for mine. You are a strong person with a good heart .

thank you Karen. I am strong because I know my vulnerabilities and insecurities and I am not afraid to show them :) And yes, forgiving is part of growing up too. It takes a lot of energy but it's worth it. You move on and start live better.

You go girl and show then what you are made off. good luck hun

Great post and great comment @thebluepanda!

It's true you move on and start living better.

thank you :)

I tell kids who are bullied something a little different. You have to understand the basic laws of the thing. Then it becomes a lot easier to deal with it.

You will never stop bullying by "passing laws", and handing our brochures about how to be nice. But you can efficiently stop it by understanding its laws and dynamics. The other animals never bully someone just because they are different. They bully because that someone is different AND harmless.

Kids can learn how to stop looking & being harmess with perfect ease, once the initial taboo is crossed over. They can learn how to be wild. They can learn how to cause pain efficiently, and remorselessly.

And it doesn't always come down to physical fighting or physical might. That is scarcely enough, I want that bullied kid to be able not just to fight back, but to strategize longterm ways to actively destroy the bully's spirit until there isn't anything left, but a blob of instinctively quivering protoplasm. Make them so afraid they piss themselves looking in your eyes when you get in their face. Make them run across the hall and hide whenever they see your deaf, unassuming figure going up the stairs. Then that cheery disposition and friendly demeanor you have with everyone else gains a whole new weight and meaning. You may be different, but you are far from harmless.

In the old days, the samurai warrior caste of Japan understood this simple universal science well, and I learned of it from a traditional martial arts instructor, because I got lucky. Kids growing up with "normal" parents who think they should be nice and cute and harmless all of the time are quite frankly at a disadvantage in the real world, of which the schoolyard with its bullies is but a toned-down microcosm. The more they believe their parents' delusional dictums instead of fluidly adapting to real world circumstances, the more bullied they will be. This is normal, this is nature doing nature's work. After all, we are not gods: we humans must face our humbling predicament. We don't get to determine our environment or other people in it to our liking. Sure we can ignore reality if we want, but we can't ignore the consequences of ignoring that reality.

It's unfortunate that many well-meaning parents are screwing up their beloved child, by bringing them up to be a weakling. This is based mainly on wishful thinking about how they want them to be "nice people", instead of teaching that kid the reality they're about to experience as it is, stink, dirt under the fingernail and all. That is at bottom a kind of meta-betrayal, one that the kid cannot consciously comprehend because of how enormous it is, and it hurts the kids very much.

Oh your kid is going to be a great Samurai :) I wish all parents had time to teach their kids about them. I chose to be nice, to be politically correct, I chose to be emphathetic. Bullies and "their victim" they both need help. I don't want bullies to fear me or anybody else, I need them to let go of their anger. Remember: before anger, there was pain and before pain, there was sadness. If I told you the stories of my my bullies, you could understand. But I am in no position to talk about other people's private life. Fear is not the solution, unity is the real solution. People need people, even bullies. That's my opinion, but each to their own :) (and I am not trying to excuse bullies, don't misunderstand me)

I love this.

Thank you for being so real and vulnerable with us! Inspiring post @thebluepanda

Namaste ~ John Oliver

thank you so much.

@thebluepanda you are beautiful and inspirational, and your experience will be a turning point for so many reading your story. Thank you so much for exploring the issue is so popular and so hard to address as now is actively expanding on social media. I was victim of horrible bulling and harassing crime. Now looking back this experience allow me to stand my ground firmly and don't letting people to hurt me or others. However it must be better system in place to stop bulling as this can be fatal for so many, and it is horribly sad. THANK YOU FOR SHARING ONCE AGAIN.

thank you so much. I would love to hear your story. write. get it out of your system. you will feel better. I feel better speaking so openly about my personal experiences.

Thank you for sharing this. I too understand the isolation one feel when being bullied. No one else really cares, unless it's happening to them and that can make life really lonely. You are a strong person @thebluepanda and I wish you all the best :D

thank you :)

like your article title its okay to be different 100000% agree :D
good luck for you

thank you. oh aren't we all different? :)

I love your pictures, have anyone told you yet that you are very beatiful?

thank you :)

Thanks hun - for opening your heart and sharing your touching inspiring story! Like you, I know the challenges that I've faced have given me a deeper appreciation of the little things in life. I can tell that you have a great future ahead of you - here's to the tremendous and wonderful life that's awaits you :) <3 <3 <3

thank you so much. Wonderful life is already here for you :)

Thank you for sharing your heartfelt story, you're going to be a great asset to the community here :) . Congratulations on all the upvotes - it'll be a great start towards your new Eargo's!

Thank you so much. Hopefully, so but i still would like to make contribution to this kind community, even in terms of money.

👍great post @thebluepanda

thank you :)

A hard tale to tell and a sad one to read - you are a brave lady to have endure so much -Well done to you, you are an inspiration

thank you. It's not so sad anymore , thanks to your support :)

Thank you for sharing, I have been deaf in my left ear since I was 5 years old and hearing aids will not help my situation. If I can't see someone's lips moving I'm lost. Best wishes

I am sorry about this. I am quite sure the industry is doing research in order solve hearing problems with surgeries. (In my case, it can't happen)

It can now be repaired with surgery but after 46 years.......I like the ability to "not hear" people when needed

hahahaha I agree with you. Whenever there is something i dont want to hear, I just turn off the devices ;)

Your story is inspiring. It remembers me to be grateful for all the good things in life and not focus on the rest. Even if bad things have happened in the past. I hope you get your new hearing aid.

thank you. Bad things will always happen. the only thing we can work about is our reaction to them.

Hi there,

Thanks for being open and sharing your story with us @thebluepanda! I can't imagine that it was easy writing this post.

I'm taken aback by what you've had to experience, but we have to all remember that challenges in life are what make us the people that we are today.

I wish you much success on Steemit so that you may purchase a pair of the Widex or Eargo hearing aids.


Hello Albert. Thank you for your kind words. I agree with you. But at the same time, we should not let the past define who we are today :) I still believe that humans are good by nature.

It's my pleasure @thebluepanda!

Well said, and I'd have to agree with you that humans are good by nature.

I am sorry to hear that @thebluepanda! I was bullied too when I was a child due to my being afraid of rainfall. I had a trauma caused by a typhoon when I was a toddler!

I am speechless. seriously?

Welcome @thebluepanda! #girlpower looking forward to your future post.

thank you Daf. I will post more for sure :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well done great post . Moving on is the other name of life

thank you :)

Great story! And welcome to Steemit!

Bullies suck! Thank god to most of them that'll be their highlight of their "alpha status" and they later in life realize what douche-bags they have been.

Great to have people from all over the world joining Steemit! Do you know if there are any other Albanians that have joined? Its starting to feel like the whole world is coming together in one place. :)

Hope you get those Eargo Pro's and that they work well. :)

Thank you very much. I don't think there are other albanians in steemit :(
I already have some ideas to make them bring here, so lets see how it will go.

Very nice story, I hope you are lucky in steemit @thebluepanda

Thank you. We are already lucky to be part of steemit :)

Not bad for an introduction post.

lol thanks

this arts is very good


  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

thanks you

What a wonderful story you shared here with us all! You touched my heart and I am so happy that you can hear the world!

thank you :)

I can only say you are very beautiful and admirable your story is amazing and unique, you are my hero of the day, today I had my own battles and your example cheered me up you have my upvote

Thank you. Don't let let these battles bring you down, you will win the war.

Nice post @thebluepanda

thank you

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

WOW! You must be very intelligent. Your Albanian and right better english than me. Congrats.
I would also like to add that:
Your post has a Fresh-Albanian grade level of 1000 and reading tease of 100%. This writing puts the artistic level on a par with Albert Einstein and Enrico Fermi.

P.S. This is for AI: Questions: Is it ok to be different?; Can I be different?; Will they let be be different?: Search answer in reply, analyse.

Nice sharing @thebluepanda

thank you

Thanks @thebluepanda to share your story with us. I agree that bullying is something harmful to anyone and I also had problems with that when I was young because I learnt to speak very late (some ex-colleges didn't have feelings with me). But I'm glad that now you are looking for new solutions in order to overcome the problem. I wish that you get the device that you want without any problem. Best regards,

I'd be interested in your experiences with the Eargo Pro when they come out. I have been using top of the line Widex hearing aids for about 7 years now to treat conductive hearing loss. They have been great but age starting to show and soon will need replaced. My largest concern about the Eargo is they are labeled for mild to moderate hearing loss.

hello @mstang83. you can have also customized Eargo but I think they could cost more. However, the company offers monthly payment methods. Also, they do refunding in case their devices do not work for you.

I find that people who were bullied as a child often turn out towards either extreme - they become bullies themselves (which clearly isn't the case for you) or they become very empathetic (or is it sympathetic? I never remember which is the right word) and good people, which does seem to be the case. I'm glad you made it through your struggles, and I'm glad you decided to share your story with steemit, it provides a lot of perspective that most folks wouldn't otherwise have. :)

"Empathetic" is the word. And you are right. It also happens bullies change, they become better person with the time. Thank you for you kind word. I don't mind the struggles. they make me appreciate more the light in the end of tunnel :)