
in life •  6 years ago 

Source: Unsplash

I'm still working on a special installment for The Man With No Name series. I came up with the idea yesterday and have been working to bring it to life. It's almost ready, but not quite, so instead, I wanted to do a quick post to tell you a few things for which I am thankful.

My Truck

For those of you who own a vehicle, you know that sometimes they can be expensive. They can be finicky and things can easily go wrong. That's why there's something to be said for spending the extra money to get a new(er) car. I have an older truck that I've owned for many years, but it has served me well. This last week it had an issue and needed some work done. After the work was done and I got it back, there was another issue.

I took it back and the mechanic said there was a 99% chance that I needed a new computer for the truck. That would have been around $900. I don't have that sort of money in the budget, so I was concerned, but I prayed about it and felt peace. When the mechanic called me back he said that it had been a faulty part that had been installed during the previous fix. It had a warranty, so they replaced it for free! I'm so relieved that something that could have cost me a lot of money was simply a bad part. It happens, and it was really a best-case scenario for me.

I hope that encourages you and shows that good things can happen. For me it was a miracle and just what I needed.

I hope you all had a great week and are having a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by!

- What's a time that you had things go your way when they could have gone horribly wrong?

- What are you thankful for right now?

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I'm glad to hear you've got the idea for the next The Man With No Name installment. It's always good when those bits of inspiration hit.

I'm also glad for this post about prayer. Or was it about your truck? Maybe both. :)

I'm also glad it turned out to be the least expensive case scenario. I learned early and often about older vehicles. Once things start to go it can be one thing after another. So, you do what you got to do. And prayer is definitely one of them.

I'm not laughing though. Okay, I'm smiling. A little. :)

It's a bonus idea. It adds another element to what I've written thus far. It also was just something that I felt I need to do. You'll understand more when it gets posted. Sorry to be so coy, I just like letting my loyal followers know that I haven't forgotten about the story. And then all I do is drop tidbits. Sorry again. ;)

Yeah, it's a post about prayer and trucks. If people believe in prayer and can relate, then they'll understand. If they don't, but have a car, they'll understand. If they neither pray or have a car, then maybe they can imagine. Ha ha.

Yes, they can definitely start to snowball. And if you don't fix the things fast enough, they cause other things to break. We're at the point where I'd like to get a new vehicle, but not sure if the time is right. We'll see.

I'm glad you're smiling. :)

I definitely picked up on the teaser vibe you were laying down just now. And previously, in the post. But as someone who appreciates a good teaser, or cliffhanger, I'm okay with it. I like doing it myself. I just need something I can deploy a teaser with.

A truck and a prayer. I'm sure there's a country song in there somewhere.

In all seriousness, though, I'm very thankful for prayer. It's good to feel peace in stressful times, or when trying to make a good decision. It's cool to be able to leave that up to someone you believe to be infinitely smarter than you.

Glad the teaser aspect doesn't bother you. :)

Yeah, a truck and a prayer. I'll have to work on that. Now all I need to do is figure out how to play the guitar. Then I'll be a star!

That's a great thing about prayer, even from a psychological perspective... being able to offload responsibility for something to someone else. If they're bigger, faster, strong, smarter, and better in every way, why wouldn't you?

glad to hear things worked out for you - I find that when I have issues - it helps to stay calm , pray , and hope for the best. Usually things don't end up as bad as they seem - glad you didn't have a financial burden to carry. Also glad to hear that a new installment of your story is coming out -I look forward to reading it.

Thanks, man. It was an opportunity to grow and become a better person. I think I did okay on it. Not hoping to have to go through something like that again, but things happen and hopefully my behavior this time around will help me do even better the next time. Money problems are so 2008. Why are we even worried about money at this point? Heh. :)

I'm looking forward to the next installment of The Man With No Name...and Horse. I'm glad it's going to be "special" :)

Thank God (literally:) that you didn't need a whole new computer for your truck! It's nice when you can pass the worry off to the big guy and just accept whatever will be, isn't it?

I really need to do a better job of getting the installments out. I haven't developed a routine for writing it, so it's hard to have them out consistently. It would probably be easier to just wait for a few months, and then release the installments at set intervals. Could you imagine watching a tv show where they were making it up as they went, and you never knew when to tune in for the next episode? Oh, well. Such is life. Fortunately there are lots of other "shows" that people can watch here to keep entertained.

Yes, I was very thankful! Still am. It's about the relationship, so I'm trying to be more intentional about trusting rather than trying to control everything. So far it is helping my blood pressure. :D

Could you imagine watching a tv show where they were making it up as they went, and you never knew when to tune in for the next episode?

When you put it that way, you make a fine point. You could just commit to a time/day where you write. Period. I think that's how writers do it :) Actually, I've read plenty of times that the key lies in writing every single day, regardless of whether that writing is "post ready". It's the habit that needs to be formed, and it takes about 6 months of practice for something to become a real habit, unless it's something bad, then it seems to take a couple of tries to get that firmly under your belt :)

Oh I know a thing or two about giving up control and simply trusting. Trust me when I say, the relief you feel when you truly accomplish it, is indescribable.

Yeah, sometimes I'm able to just write a post and not worry about it. When I do TMWNN series, I spend much more time on each post because once I'm done writing then I have to enter re-writes. I started that story for's story-mentor tag and since she's taking the time to read and critique each installment, I want them to be more polished.

That being said, I need to work on something that I can do every day, regardless of whether or not it has had someone proof read it and suggest revisions. It's actually probably been helpful for my wife to see how the process goes. Then when she finishes her book she'll know what to expect.

Trusting doesn't normally make the situation any better, but it can change your mindset and give you freedom from the burden of it.

Good post

What did you like best about it?

The fact that it was good. What else could he mean? :)

Maybe he forgot a comma and meant "Good, post" like he was happy that I was posting and should continue to do so... without regarding the quality of the content.

He could have been telling me that I'm a post and a good one, like "good dog."

Maybe he was trying to talk about "post-apocalyptic" survival techniques as something for which he is thankful, but got cut off before he had a chance to finish his thought. Maybe we should alert the authorities that something has happened to him and he likely needs assistance!

I don't know. Those are just a few ideas.

haha I'm guessing grammar is not his forte, so I'm scratching out your first suggestion.

Good dog, good post....P should be capital. Again, he/she's not the grammar police, so there goes that one too.

So now I'm worried about him...thanks for adding one more worry to my already-too- long-list of worries. Perhaps we should be concerned ourselves? What's this "post-apocalyptic" thing? Has there already been an apocalypse that I'm not aware of? I know the US likes to exclude Mexico, but I like to think it's something I'd hear about.

I can't type palms are too sweaty.

Don't worry, if something happens here, we'll tell you about it.

I hate it when my hands get sweaty and I can't type anymore. That's how you know it's getting hot!

oh good. And it was nervous sweat on my palms, on account of my worrying re: the apocalypse.

Not funny when I have to explain it :)

HA HA, I'm such a doofus. I messed up your joke. My bad. :D

I'm pretty sure it's the chickenlypse, right @themanwithnoname?

haha @glenalbrethsen, look at the comment above that I just left @themanwithnoname :)

Yeah, and I was referring to the comments back and forth on his other post where he suggested the chickens were taking over. I guess it was more than a suggestion. Anyway, it's going to be some kind of lypse, apoca, or chicken. I find the word chickenlypse funny because chickens really don't have them. :) They may have a lyspe, though, which actually is funnier. Beware the chickenlyspe!

You know, it looks like to me that a lot of good came out of the "good post" comment. You and @lynncoyle1 got a chance to bond over it's significance and I would consider that a good thing. You got to debate the potential meanings, and so forth. Personally, I believe it's these kinds of opportunities more of us should be taking rather than just flagging them out of hand. Well done. :)

Thank you Glen. Sometimes I try to 'educate', as you know, but sometimes, this kind of banter feels much more worthwhile and enjoyable to me :)

@lynncoyle1 and @glenalbrethsen, you two are so funny. I can't keep up with all the comments. That's what I get for trying to do other things.

It was a lot of fun to talk about the potential meanings. I'm going to have to wait for his next "good post" and give him a "good comment" back. ;)

You can't keep up with ours? I'm lucky I found yours. Hiding under a comment that says, "Good Post." You're the ones providing the entertainment. And I certainly hope you get the opportunity to make your "Good comment" reply. In fact, I can almost guarantee you will, and in the immediate future. :)

Ha ha, sorry about that. I need to do a better job of letting you know where we're at. Surprisingly, I don't get many spam comments, at least not the average "nice post" variety. Probably because I'm not minnow status yet. I'm closing in on it though! Maybe then I'll get more of the spam.

See there! One more reason to be a minnow: getting spam comments more frequently.

I actually think the spam comments really start coming when you're a dolphin. I can't say I've seen a significant uptick in the several weeks I've been a minnow. Maybe my posts don't even merit a "Good post" spam comment. That's how picky the spammers are. :)

Don't worry. I'll just come find you instead. I need the exercise. :)

I glanced at @themanwithnoname's comment and thought it was you talking about he and I haha

You can't keep up with ours? I

Exactly :)

hahaha I can't wait!!

It's certainly more entertaining. :)

I'd try to interpret the meaning of "good post" too but I think the two of you pretty much figured it out, so I guess we'll just leave it at that. :)