To Love, Coexist, or Destroy? That Is The Question

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

When I was 16, I wrote a lot of poetry. It was a great outlet for uncontrollable intense emotion that I didn't understand how to channel constructively. In fact, I composed an entire book of poetry designed in the same structure as Dante’s Inferno, but I never published it. Maybe someday.

One of the poems I wrote at that age was describing the emotional experience of witnessing a spider in my living space, and rather than resorting to the reflex of force and destruction, settling in the state of observation.

This was the first time I observed conscious life (in the form of intrusive insects) rather than destroying it.

I wrestled with the desire to destroy it out of unfounded fear, and ultimately succumbed to allowing it to live and accepting the lesson it joined my experience to teach me. To observe and respond, rather than react.

Today this is still a very salient point, as I have a “hands off” policy with all conscious life. I strive to live and let live.

A few months ago I had a mouse in my house. After I spent 2 months trying to humanely trap him/her and him/her was finally released outside, I realized there were 2 more mice.

A long and trying test in patience in experimenting with different humane trapping methods that didn’t work.

Eventually I got them both outside alive, trapping them in 2 liter bottles with dog food in my pantry.

Then, I stored the 2 liter DIY trap in my utility closet for future use.

Tragically a month later I found another mouse dead in the DIY bottle trap. It seems it got in, but couldn’t get out. I’m just glad I got to see the others scatter away and find a new home.

I did everything I could to safely remove the mouse family from my home. At one point I was so frustrated with them eating my fruit that I bought some glue mouse traps, though luckily I never used them. If you don’t know already, glue mouse traps cause the mouse to get stuck, starve/dehydrate to death, and die an incredibly painful death compromised of constant suffering. Would you like to die this way?

Fast forward to today. This beautiful spider lives under the toilet in one of my bathrooms. I see her come out and hang from her web every night, and disappear during the day. She eats some of the more annoying bugs I have to deal with in the jungle. She has no intention of intruding on my life. She just wants to live in her home, under the toilet, and do spider stuff.

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I have the choice of ending her life and thinking nothing of it, coexisting with her, or trapping her and releasing her outside.

Usually I’m a trap and release kind of guy, but this time I have been taking the next step forward to coexisting. After all, my home is in her jungle.

Why would the value of any conscious life supersede the value of any other? Why would I have the right to exert force on any other conscious life, human, mouse or spider? How is it any different for me to "forcefully relocate" this spider, than it is for a government to forcefully relocate you because of "imminent domain," which is clearly a form of aggression?

Self-awareness? Ability to feel pain? Size? Natural superiority?

All bullshit justification.

We are all One. As Reuben Langdon says in Episode #41 of @belair podcast simply ask yourself, does what I'm doing contribute to separation, or to unity?

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Enjoy reading? Check out some of my recent posts such as:
Hacking Consciousness: Experiments in LSD Micro Dosing

Listen to my EHYEH conscious DJ sets here:
Holographic Palingenesis (Psydub/Downtempo/Chillout)
I AM Live Psychedelic Experience Part 1 (Psydub/Downtempo/Chillout)
I AM Live Psychedelic Experience Part 2 (138/Psytrance/Goa)
I AM Live Psychedelic Experience Part 3 (Psytrance/Goa/Full-on)
I AM Live Psychedelic Experience Part 4 (Psytrance/Goa/Full-on)

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You are a truly compassionate, evolved being Patrick.
All life is sacred.
All life is equal.
No-one is superior to another or other species.
There are two kinds of fear, biological fear where the organism's survival is threatened, which kicks in the "Fight or Flight" mechanism. We don't want to get rid of this one.
The other is learned, conditioned fears, inherited from others. This forms the basis of the ego and we certainty should be working at transcending these fears!
More of your good stuff please!

Thank you! Indeed, I think it is important for people to examine and pay attention their emotional responses instead of allowing them to play out freely. This doesn't mean to suppress or try to change them. The important step is simply observing what is going on, and where it's coming from. You can learn a lot about yourself by doing this.

So true Patrick, the way out is the way through and "If you don't go within, you go without" source unknown.

This is such an important topic and yet something I rarely see talked about, I agree with you, every life is sacred, and every living thing deserves the same amount of respect, why should my life hold more value over another living being. Thank you for writing this post @thepatrick x

Thanks for reading! I do hope more people think about it.

So on point and completely analogous to my situation, excellent and heartfelt article patrick! I have saved many mosquitos this year, despite their distant cousins sucking me dry the other night ;) Sometimes I feel a little odd thinking of how many I have already killed in this life out of sheer convenience.

In letting nature take it out on itself I really feel best with the situation - I welcome spiders into my home and they play their spider role catching the bugs that would otherwise annoy me, and it works out beautifully. So cool to read you're having the same experience.

Right on! I'm glad to hear there are others out there coming to the same realization. :) Thanks for the feature on @thedailysneak! I enjoyed the other articles today as well.

You are totally welcome. Had you on my list forever and I'm glad it finally aligned. More people need to read your stuff <3

Thanks to @paradigmprospect, this post was resteemed and highlighted in today's edition of The Daily Sneak.

Thank you for your efforts to create quality content!