The Hijacking of a Planet’s Imagination- Examining the Mother of All Conspiracies

in life •  7 years ago 

The Big One

How does one know when they’ve found the biggest conspiracy on Earth?

It is when one realizes that everything is a conspiracy.

It is when one remembers that we are all collectively precipitating a reality based on our simplest of creative whims, every single second that we are consciously existing, and the fresh reality that we have been projecting is clearly designed to benefit someone else, and not us.

We Are Collectively Making This Whole Thing

I remembered this, and looking at what we had created, it struck me that we are willfully making a world which suits exactly none of us-- the many billions of creators on the planet, and instead of making a well-functioning world for ourselves, we are constantly and willfully making a mess.

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What Were We Thinking?

I looked around to figure out what we must have been thinking as we built this place. We were apparently thinking, for example, that it would be normal and acceptable to sit in our automobiles at dozens of traffic lights for five minutes at a time and that it’s worth the wait because the job which requires the running car pays for same car so that we can get to work to pay a lifetime of rent on rooms that sit empty all day while we’re at work.

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We must have been thinking that this arrangement was so perfect that it would be worth devoting this time and a lot of value to a mining industry to gather fuel so that our cars could go back and forth, but we must have collectively agreed that such an oil mining industry should be called ’National Defense’, so that we can sleep at night.

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We teach our children how to set up these mining operations as well, ensuring a future of abundant fuel for the cars.
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We've Considered Our Health

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We obviously have collectively chosen to precipitate a society in which medicine is mostly a big business, and through that industry we are deciding to be subliminally mortified by the persistent marketing schemes whispering through the world’s attention sphere, an ad campaign selling the idea of life and joy being administered through the tip of a needle by a qualified professional, and a pill industry designed to help us forget that this is all being done wrong.
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We then lazily chose an entertainment industry to give us our imaginations, to tell us which futures are an option, and when we imagined that future, we imagined someone else’s idea, apparently. Collectively we imagined the choices we’d made for living a future life at all, and inexplicably we’ve chosen dystopia and death as the ultimate outcome.

We Created a Central Government

We invented a thing called ‘Authority’ but only so that we could delegate it to the most greedy, and we decided to stick with that.

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We Have a Powerful God!

We’ve all agreed on a god— that much is clear, and the talisman that every devotee wishes to carry so to be closer to their god— money — holds the symbols of our willful enchantment. We’ve accepted that existence is a terrible idea unless there’s plenty of cash around, and that of course, there’s never enough cash around. We’ve decided that we are cool with this arrangement.

So much power we have given this abstract god called money, that it alone ultimately decides on who our mates will be, or if we’ll have mates at all, and even then there will be contracts to sign— more spells— but we shan’t call it sorcery because we have agreed that such mass-hypnosis is another conspiracy theory, a fairy tale flirting with our modern civilized society, and we have cars to pay for and no time for enchantments or mortal spells on our populations of drivers.

We’ve made a curious world though, where money suggests out loud that we not talk about such things as money’s power over the mind, as such conspiracies are not polite conversation.

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Meanwhile, burning everything and blowing things up is expensive, and it’s how we’ve always kept the lights on; fire and explosions!

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There are numerous subtle forces at work throughout nature which could be harnessed for energy, but nothing is more satisfying than a fiery explosion, billowing smoke and loud, reassuring sounds to really get some work done. We have all therefore decided that science is useful when it comes to discovering new and innovative ways to burn and blow things up, and then magically turning fire into electricity, piping it through high-voltage cables throughout the land, and considering the danger involved in such technologies, we have brilliantly put it all up on poles out of reach, and erected these power poles everywhere.

Conclusion and Solution

So we’ve made a world, but seriously, look at it. The moment that we see the absurdity of how we’ve set this all up, we need to physically laugh out loud, and then we will need to imagine something nice for a change, because we’ve been doing it wrong.

thanks for reading along, pictures here thanks to Pixabay free images


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We suck. 😣 And even if some of us wanted xhange, how would we ever reach critical mass?

I'm not sure when we'll reach it, but we are approaching critical mass, slowly.

Yes, we have created this, but we are now in the process of creating something new....thank the Universe. That is why there is so much chaos right now.

Yes I think that our 'something new' is already an improvement over the one that we inherited, or adopted for so long.

I ask to myself: why anyone never told about this in school, about how to eat, about we as human race, about the monotonous future??

The school is to train us to follow orders without question, so that we make efficient warriors and workers. Children are shown only a few possible futures really, where they are dedicated servants to the traditions that they inherited. Like you say, a monotonous future.

Very cool post! I really enjoyed it!

Thanks @teamsteem, these things have to be said sometimes, a little reminder that we're doing it wrong!

Very true story.. We have lost our way, unfortunately..

We can remember the way, or we'll make up a new one!

I like the phrase "a series of very unfortunate events" to describe our mess.

The results of those events are all so normal now too- the power poles with traffic lights are one of my favorite images, such a compound image. I've got lots of pics of them, and I've done whole posts about those posts!

I think I posted some links to that project about no traffic lights, but sadly it's true, collectively we came into a mess of our own making, the beauty of normal is that it hides that mess so well. What do you mean you don't delegate powers you don't have onto other people! Don't you realize the world will turn to banditry! What do you mean you don't support cops, don't you realize they're keeping us safe from imminent rampant banditry!

Yes if only there were a way to give authority to another entity... someone to stop the bad guys. Some bad guys that work for US! That would stop the banditry, we'll need the best bandits for the task.

Staph it, you're not suggesting that people can get along without government!

It's not possible, like we discussed, it would be nice, but it's not possible because banditry.

I think it is possible and will be true, because banditry will always be there, with or without government.

You must be some kind of anarchist.

Upvoted and RESTEEMED :]

I appreciate it! It's important stuff to remember I think.

The content of your post is very true. Yeah what we have actually found, according to my viewpoint we have found stress, angry, fear, and etc. but I don't know the real meaning of happiness - where it is... we became robots like that we look like a set of machine now.
Really appreciate your effort to give us a chance to rethink who we are!
Hope at-least 1 steemian will understand what you have written here!


It looks like the most important Steemian has made sense of what I wrote, thanks for commenting!

You are so wrong about all of this. I don't know what world you're living in @therealpaul but my world is filled with fairies and unicorns and everything is perfect. Everything is wonderful here and we all sit around singing cumbaya all day and telling each other how great we are and how much we love each other.

You should seek professional help my friend!

I've resteemed this os everyone can see how wrong you are !! :[)

In any event, have a wonderful day! :{)

haha I appreciate the resteem-- that should put me in my place! I'm glad I'm wrong, I had started thinking that maybe unicorns didn't even exist!

Right. Even in a small team, there will always be someone who will be left out and on top part who will use the "team" for his/their own benefits instead for everybody in a team. What more in a big world.