Taking that first baby step...

in life •  6 years ago 

the smallest step may end up being the best step.jpeg

Wednesday's thought:

We make many choices in life. Some small and some huge. When making a life choice try tiptoeing in the desired direction first. We may need to test the direction first. Even in doubt, take that first step as we can always back peddle and start a fresh direction. But I will say this, our instinct, our soul and inner minds-eye will not steer us wrong when working in harmony. But, we do need to take that first step. Slow and easy as the saying goes.

Cheers to embracing our first steps!

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It sometimes take a mountain of courage to take that first step. I am have failed to launch so many times just because I am so scared to fail. I have and am still, started to learn that I would rather fail at something then regret never taking the opportunity.

It's never failure...change your perspective and learn from each challenge...it's our education and experience that decides how we make our next move. Take the time to think about the direction, document the plans, create the actions necessary and push forward with confidence, energy, and passion. The love of what you do will help you overcome further challenges.