One of the saddest moments in my life occurred today

in life •  8 years ago 

I'm typically a happy guy and I seldom get sad, but today I felt as sad as I've ever been, losing my dad was the only moment that I felt lower. When you see someone you love wanting something that you cannot give them, it hurts, and when its that one thing that every woman wants, and you have no clue how to get it for her, it hurts worse. I watched as she held that baby, she lit up, and I saw how great of a mother she could be. We have never discussed it much, my wife has pcos, which essentially makes getting pregnant extremely difficult, so we usually avoid the subject.


I never really wanted a child, I don't know why, just never something I thought about, but after seeing her today, knowing that if she had our baby that she'd light up like that everyday, there's nothing I want more. I know there are treatments she could do, we could adopt, and other options as well, and that may be something we look at in the future.

I'm the kind of guy who hides how he feels, I don't show her how I feel often enough, I know that's not what she wants, but she looks over that flaw. I know if I could give her the one thing she wants most, that would show her how much she means to me. I wished I could, I wished I could show her that daily, maybe I could change, I know I should, and I have tried, but its not so easy. When you live a certain way your whole life, you can't just flip that switch, but I know I do not need that wall with her, so starting today I will tear it down, brick by brick. Hopefully one day we will be fortunate to have a kid, regardless of the path we choose, rather we get lucky and have one naturally, or if we have to adopt, but I want that for her.

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You don't have to be someone you aren't. Ease up. My husband is the same way. And he is the biggest sweetheart in the universe. Everyone shows it differently. Here's what you gotta do, though. Go up to her, and say, "Honey, I know we don't talk about it. But when I saw you holding that baby, I thought what a wonderful mother you would be." And whatever else nice thing you want to add if you can manage.

That's it. That will mean the WORLD TO HER.

You aren't bearing your soul here. Just making a tender observation. She needs to know you had that moment.

Why? Because EVERY mother who suffers from the inability to get pregnant always and unforgivably wonders if something is wrong with her or if she just doesn't deserve to be a mother like the rest of humanity.

She knows it's not true, but sometimes....she needs to hear it.

I mean it. IT WILL MEAN THE WORLD to her.

If she doesn't tear up, then write back and say I was wrong.

Thank you! I will try that.

I'm following you. I like the variety of your posts.

Thank you! I'm all over the place, not sure if thats good, or bad, but everyone likes variety.

I like variety. It appears val-a does too...not sure what gives, but whatever you're doing, the whale likes it. Unless you are val-a too. But either way, I'm following.

Sadly I am not, I'm just happy people enjoy my content :)

Like me, I guess you must be more of the fox and less of the hedgehog. That is, if we are to believe that ''a fox knows many things, but a hedgehog one important thing''.

I cannot focus on just one thing, I guess I would be the fox. I guess this is a reflection of me, I have several interest, but limited hours in the day, so I try to spread my focus around as best I can.

Please don't be too hard on yourself for being the way you are.

Thank you for commenting. I know, and I'm not usually, but it never hurts to improve.

I totaly feel your pain cuz i'm in almost same situation regarding health of my wife and ability to have children . It is painfull . A lot. My wife has two younger sisters , one already have a kid and the youngest is pregnant right now. She is happy for them to have that but i see tears in her eyes . You need to be strong like a rock for her. I wish for both of you to endure and be healthy .

Thank you! Its not a fun situation.

Thanks for sharing this :)
There are so many things I want to say, but I will save them for chat.

Thanks Gonzo!