I Made International Headlines With a Stupid Tweet

in life •  7 years ago 

This is not photoshopped. These are real headlines about a tweet I made about Lara Croft's boobs.


I have spent my life challenging people's most deeply held beliefs, and never have I received widespread media attention as I have for this. It's unbelievable in its absurdity and stupidity, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't profoundly enjoying myself.

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Lara Croft has big boobs everybody knows that.
Political correctness can go to hell.


well congrats are in order I suppose!!! hahaha Of course it was that one thing that you got headlines for XD.

I don't know if I should be laughing or crying. All these news outlets are so fucking concerned about what some fat guy on the internet thinks about boobs. Anyways, congratulations on making it big TJ.

TJ just wants to tiddyfug some polygonal sweater meats.

Don't worry guy, you can say tittyfuck on Steemit!

Oh OK. I tittyfucked your mom.

Of all the edgy things you've said to blow up... Your tweet's just saying she doesn't fit your vision of Lara Croft and then that gets twisted into you saying she can't be Lara Croft and somehow it's body shaming.

As Big Man Tyrone says: Congratulations!!

This is awesome. Stupidity is winning. Life is going to be entertaining until everything crashes and burns.

This is awesome @tjkirk. #triggertheworld

You went on CNN,
I know, CNN is rubbish,
but still, should that not count?

It was what I said to my wife when I first saw the trailer.
Nothing like the video game.

This is crazy. It's amazing that because you make a completely innocent commentary you get put on news all over. It really makes you think about the priorities these people have.

I mean, headlines are headlines right? I would totally be worth it though to say something that seems meaningless and have a bunch of people write articles bring all pissed at you.

Of all the things the media could've gotten upset about, they chose to get upset about this. Its not like there are more important, actually offensive things to get mad about (like, say, our continued inaction on climate change). Stuff like this is why I really dislike the mainstream media (and not to mention, political correctness).

lol@youtube fans...just making shit up they are.

This is a pretty stupid thing to get media attention from.

What's next a skinny Duke Nukem?

You've gotten on CNN, been minutely mentioned in multiple articles, and had gotten a decent level of media attention from DP's debate with Milo Yiannopolous that caused a scandal that brought him down, and yet this one hardly controversy-worthy tweet is what has gotten you more coverage than you ever had before. Wow, you need to talk about this type of stuff more, TJ.

gratz . trolling the mass media is the best. no matter if one wish they cared for some more important things