Do you believe in a higher Power?

in life •  8 years ago 


When I was young I attended a Christian primary school and later a Christian high school only to find out that Christianity is not my purpose in life.

I do not have a problem with the message in the Bible, but do have difficulties with all the interpretations and the way people are abusing the Bible for their own interests. This has been the case in the past centuries where many bloody wars has been fought in the name of God. At high school I saw a double morale where people where preaching the Christian values, but the same time were hateful aginst the refugees in the local refugee shelter. Somehow that felt totally wrong.

My opinion is that mankind is better of without a religion. Also I have a hard time to accept that there is something as a superior creature, but of course there are many other people thinking differently.

Feel free to give your opinion. Do you believe in God, Allah, Buddha or another higher power? And what are your reasons in believing or refusing to believe in it?

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Agnostic, neither believe nor disbelieve. Hearing a priest arguing with an atheist about what happens when you die is like hearing two virgins argue about screwing. No-one on Earth knows.

I believe. hihihi

Yes. I do.