Gardening blunders and minor success

in life •  6 years ago 

I have said time after time...I have no green thumb! I’ve failed year after yield any significant harvest in my very modest garden. This year, I fear will be very similar.
Although I have been very diligiant about going out in the mornings...prior to work...and watering my garden, I have also neglected it! My time management has always been a little bit of an issue. I have given very little time to my beautiful little plants. I basically water them..then go about my day.
As you know from my recent’s been awfully rainy here lately. Well, they had cause a grown spurt in nearly all of my plants...including the WEEDS! These weeds are so happy to have found my little patch of non-sandy soil. They’ve basically taken over!

So...I know what my weekend holds...aside from a cookout and an overnight excursion...I will be out weeding my small garden!
As for success...the cucumber plants are flowering and expanding...and today, I noticed two (albeit tiny) tomatoes!!!
If I can manage to even get a couple red, ripe tomatoes...I’ll be a happy lady. There’s also plenty of basil growing as well!
My hopes aren...after the weeding...and maybe a little plant food...I might actually have a descent looking (small) garden!

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Nice to see your plants are at fruiting stage. you have to weed out for better growth of plants. good luck.

Yep...they’ll be gone soon! I might get the kids to help...and just hope they don’t pull up the wrong plants! Lol.

Am gland that your plants are yielding fruits now, bit you still needs to remove those weeds growing besides your plants in other for the plant to strive better and produce more yields @twoturtletots

Yeah...I have plans to do that this weekend! It’s just been tough...since it’s nearly dark when I get home from work...but I’m determined to get it done!

Nice garden. You have some pumpkins plants there, too?

No pumpkins...I’ve never attempted. I haven’t had much luck with smaller fruits and veggies. I just assumed pumpkins would be much harder.

I see. I thought the plant with yellow blossom might be pumpkin. But it is probably cucumbers, right? Or am I wrong again. Pumpkins would not be (too) difficult to grow either.

You're doing the right thing to cultivate vegetables. Better success. Here I can see that cucumber tomato trees can be benefited by earning a lot of money. Do not break it. Of course it will be very successful to take care of your own garden and it is very good to plant your own garden @twoturtletots

Nice garden. You worked hard to make such a nice garden. I can see one of my favorite vegetables :)