Divide and be conquered...

in life •  8 years ago 


In recent years we have seen the world seemingly fall backwards from a democratised and civilised progressive society back to a world full of fear and anger where people don't really know where to turn or who to blame. Russia 'v' America, Religious 'v' Secular, Black 'v' White, Red 'v' Blue, In 'v' Out, Left 'v' Right, Rich 'v' Poor. Society has because so polarised in so many ways that people have lost sight of what it means to be a peace loving human being.
To be fair with Governments and media distracting and feeding our thoughts and opinions with fear and propaganda it's hardly any wonder that people start to seek out enemies where there really are no enemies.

The strategy of divide and conquer has always been used by the elite, manipulators and socio-paths not for the benefit of those divided, but for their own benefit. It is never the elite who must face up to the enemy and fight. To divide a society is to make sure they are focused on each other and not the real problems in the world.

We are at a stage in the world now where societies and nations have become so divided that they are practically destroying themselves. This must stop! We must learn to love again and create a society where peace, collaboration and progress are what defines the human race.

It is time for us to decide not to react or respond to negative stimulus and see the world for what it really is. We must be prepared to try and understand whatever we think are our perceived enemies. It is not constructive to generalise and blame an entire culture, race, religion, party or nation for our own feelings of fear or negativity. We must understand people on an individual level, and then we will probably discover they are just like us.

Peace and Love.

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great post. following now


A big problem, actually a huge problem is that other countries are watching us we have become so divided that I worry a Civil War is coming. When we turn on ourselves it will weaken out nation. That will be the perfect opportunity for another country with a big military, like Russia or China, to make a move against us and take over this country. We must unite before all is lost.

I agree but imagine if China, Russia, US, Europe and the Middle East all decided to pool resources into science and nature instead of bombs and guns. What could we achieve as a global nation working together towards similar goals. Not that I'm for a new world order, just a peaceful, fair and just world.