RE: Do You Believe in Life After Death?

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Do You Believe in Life After Death?

in life •  7 years ago 

One can reach the 'afterlife' by meditating and eliminate all doubts. I have been there. Its a state of mind simply. One can get their mental and astral body extracted, people call this soul travel or astral travel.
If you die you will entirely go ethereally with the mind you had when you died. If your always angry thats what you will experience. If you believe there is nothing this is what you will experience. If you were happy this is what you will experience. So u can be the worst murderer if you are happy in the end that is whatsup.
The only judge at the end is yourself. What you see as bad is bad and you will kinda punish yourself then. Learn to forgive others and by that you get the hang of what it really is to fully forgive. Thus you are able to forgive yourself.
There exist only one conciousness and it is everywhere. Infact everything you can sense first exist in this conciousness. Like said in an article before - best to understand is it by inventions from human. Nothing invented by human exist before it existed in the mind of a human. Nothing 'natural' exists before it existed in the mind of god. But both is the exact same mind.
Our brains are just antennas able to recieve and send datas from and to the mind.
Do you know what secret science is? Its what secret societies study. Read up on it on wikipedia. The best and safest education system i found open to the public are the books of franz bardon. 3 books there are. This information keeps itself secret somehow. I know a lot of people who are uber interested in this stuff but none of them read the books even tho they were more than excited when i first showed them. Some of them i reinforced and they were like 'oh yer damn i forgot about that' but they still didnt read it, let alone practise it.
You can find all his works for free in the internet, just write the books name on google and put a '.pdf' after the name.

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment