Put the phone down and eat yer friggen meal!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I got tired of the name “Pineapple Meditations”, it felt too much like branding, a bit too forced, not really my style, but this is number 4.

Raise your hand if you can sit through a meal without checking your cellphone.

Who here actually has the patience to focus on the food they are eating?
I know it’s relatively hard for me at times, especially now that crypto is booming and I’m on board and now that I’m finally starting to feel like we are building a real community here and on discord.

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Billions of people around the world are able to put processed foods into their mouths and call it “delicious”, while they are barely processing what it is they are consuming. I have friends that absolutely crave junk food. Once it’s in their hands, it skips right over they’re taste buds and makes its way into their digestive system. This is basically how you eat junk food, you scoff it down, you don’t really sit and savor the flavor.

Why is that?

If you are not able to sit through a meal and enjoy the distinct flavor of each ingredient as you eat, how likely is it that you will be able to enjoy the beautiful subtleties of each day?

I challenge you to try to slow down a bit, push out unnecessary distractions and focus on what should be one of the most enjoyable and holy parts of human existence. If you can't find that much enjoyment in taking it slow, you may need to detox and try some more natural foods.

Try paying attention to not only the taste but also the smell and texture. Appreciate where that food came from, what it was before it came to sit on the plate in front of you. Realize that you are taking part in the circle of life (cues cheesy music), that this is what sustains you. Close your eyes and really be in the moment with that which allows you to exist.

Worship that little tomato, or that chicken.

It died for you.


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Well, did you know that McDs is addictive?
No, really. Like Nicotine.

Its not on the list of ingredients, but when you pull out the actual chemical that causes the sensation, there is less than a drop in your whole burger. And McDs buys it by the barrel full.

What is even more interesting is the "fast food" illusion. It seems like you are saving time, but its just like speeding to work. It only cuts off a couple minutes.

You actually save a lot more time if you make all at once and prepackage your work lunches and dinners.

So, McDs, and the like, sell you an illusion. An illusion of time savings, an illusion of nutrition, an illusion of taste, an illusion of enjoyment.

But, when you've never had the real stuff, and you body doesn't know the difference...

I don’t know much about why It’s addictive but I am not surprised by any kind of trash they put in it. I have no illusions about they’re motivations and they’re willingness to do whatever to stay on top.

I can feel it in my body now since I’ve been off the stuff for a few years already, when I’m traveling and it’s the only thing available I’ll have some and it soon AWFUL and yet two days later I find myself craving it.

After my high school year in the US I came back outright devouring food. My mom was rather shocked and had to remind me for like half a year to take it easy again.
I love america but man did that busy lifestyle get into my habits ;)

I doubt there's a nation in the world where the people collectively pride themselves on being busy as much as we do. My boyfriend's tween year old daughter hadn't returned his calls in over a week...when she finally did, and he grilled her as to why she was ignoring him...

She said: I've been busy daddy.

It starts young lol. "Take it easy" sounds like a much healthier way to live. Listen to your mom! ;-)

On the other hand, there is a lot to be said about the busy-ness of Americans. It does have its upsides, just not all the time constantly.
A going back and forth seems rather ideal to me.

You had me at "taboos".

I'm such a disappointment. Right now my bio is more who I want to be instead of who I am. I don't think I've written anything about politics or taboos. And while I've written, I haven't written anything about writing. I'M A FRAUD ! lol

(but working on realizing the bio line...I promise)

'Fake it til you make it' comes to mind.
And - if I understood correctly - your focus is going a lot to inner nourishment at this time <3

I'm sure I will find great content on your blog, I don't need much in the beginning to see if a connection is worth pursuing or not.

The boobie-magnet theory is pretty much something that slashes this little-talked about mechanism in the public, as one example for taboo breaking.

Everybody may know that "sex sells", but the way you put it openly on the table was hilarious and probably uncomfortable for some out there.

"Excellent" ;)

Haha - boobie magnet theory - omg dying. Love how academic you made that sound. yay, so my bio is at least a little true. Others discomfort (and my own) is just a bonus :-P

Oh no! I mean a whole mishmash of cultures now so sometimes I go home or meet someone from there and I’m shocked at some behavior, to see people act so composed but mean while swallow they’re meal without chewing....baffling.

I still have to remind myself on a regular basis to go about it slower. But I've gotten the hang of it again on average.
The "gut gekaut ist halb verdaut" argument is very sensible - "(food) well chewed is half the digesting") - works much better in German with the rhythm and rhyming

“I am a mishmash of cultures now” sorry, type!

@whatamidoing I totally agree with you on downward slope of quality in regards to what is be fed to us. It is like they just make stuff for us to consume. They produce it cheap, market it us where we think it is good value to us, but in fact is a ticking time bomb to our bodies. So many health problems could be solved by eat good food. I think all schools should be freshly made school produced meals.

We’ve first extended our lifespan but now we’re making fun sure it’s both long and as unhealthy as possible....a great business model!

I <3ed the Pineapple meditations 'branding'. It didn't feel forced at all - natural and cute (but not in a condescending cute, in a catchy, but not BMW commercial catchy way, jeez what am I trying to say...I liked it! That's all lol)

Fast food nation - it's spread across the globe. My last time living abroad - 4 years ago now - in Morocco and i remember how my friends there would get their families together to go to McDonalds - like it was an actual restaurant. It baffled me. When there was so much fresh and homemade food readily available - in most homes (ok, the homes of people I knew), homemade from fresh was the only option !

Maybe cause the BF and I are hermit people - eating out with friends - on the rare occasions we do - annoys me to no end. It's torture. They are more concerned with 'selfie-ing' their plates, and making sure it looks like we are having a fun, intimate gathering than actually making that happen.

I still keep my phone in my bag during dinner.

We also cook at home a lot - so are very aware of everything that goes into our meal. When single, I get how it makes more sense to indulge in fast food - but when coupled up, or living in a group situation - eating in with fresh ingredients is almost always cheaper - and always better. Plus it's a bonding experience.

The fast, processed food anti revolution is more than just a crime against our tastebuds - it literally kills. Ever heard of the hunger-obesity paradox? It applies everywhere - but especially in poor urban areas of the US - you find food deserts in low income neighborhoods - the cheapest, most readily available 'food' is ramen noodles and fast food. Though they are starving from lack of nutrients - people in these areas tend to be overweight and obese because of the empty calories and parasitic nature of these foods (I forget how long the cheap ramen takes to digest, but it's a long time, and ingredients actually leach other needed vitamins out of our systems).

Amen to appreciating what we eat. And sooo true that once you cut out processed foods, you don't miss them at all (MAYBE after a night of binge drinking...almost definitely). Eating to live instead of visa versa - not as hard as it sounds at all!

This was one of the issues that woke me up to the contradictions in our society, it’s nearly illegal to sell organic “alternative” medicine that works, and yet schools have vending machines with soda, all over, and advertising with it. I remember before Izze fruit juice soda was owned by Pepsi and I was a big fan I would go into a convenience store looking for it only to find caffeinated trash

I thought “wtf are we doing to ourselves...they teach us what’s good and then we are served the opposite and then blame us for ruinin our health. “ supply and demand my ass, we are coerced and herded into demanding what we would not otherwise demand,

I live to eat, don’t get me wrong. Natural food can be so damn delicious!