1st Corinthians 13 has the well known passage about the love that can only come from Jesus. I'm not going to focus on that as many have previously expounded aptly on that. However, just recently the power of love in 2nd Corinthians 5:14 blew me away. Check it out, "For the love of Christ controls us..." (NASB). If we so choose, the love of Christ controls us! Do you hear that? And when we are in this state we have the Mind of Christ.
Think about it. Do we have the Mind of Christ? It's important as we go about our daily lives.
If I sneer back at someone who scowls at me am I showing that the love of Christ controls me?
If I berate a fellow worker is Christ living within me?
I struggle with this daily, and sadly, many times I'm not letting Christ gain the victory against the powers of darkness.
Many times I lose sight of Jesus and like Peter end up looking at self and thus start to sink. It's at this point that we need to reach out and be lifted up by the Arm of the Infinite One.
Photo by Aaron Burden