Do what you enjoy doing!

in life •  6 years ago 

”Do what you enjoy doing!”

Does this look like a guy who's not enjoying what he's doing?

This was the advice I’d been given by my psychotherapist last week. Generally not something I have trouble with, but ever since I lost my job I had trouble sleeping and for that reason my doctor referred me on to this therapist.

Ever since losing my job, I have seized the opportunity to reinvent myself. I have a new CV, I just finished a course in Business Analysis and I will do the exam at some time over the summer and I am now aiming my focus at Business Intelligence, datawarehouses and programming. All this with the aid of my own perseverance and books that I have bought on the expense of my employer as part of my redundancy package.

a Large selection of the books I purchased to educate myself ... I have some days of studying ahead!

I am currently receiving daily shipments, courtesy of Amazon, with books that I am going to study and put to practise over the coming months. A quiet part of me is actually hoping that I won’t find/have to start a new job too soon, so that I can do some more studying and self-enhancing and make myself even more competitive for a future employer.

Quality Time

This phase is really good for me to rediscover myself and set my priorities straight. I am spending a lot of time on myself. Besides the marathon trainings and courses I am trying to spend a lot of time with those who I hold dearest to me, mainly my family but I am also seeking more contact with my friends. This is something I also want to give to you …

Whatever life brings you, there are many factors that you can’t control, but there are also plenty of things you can do about it. Take the positives in life, no matter what life has in store for you, even if you get rejection after rejection, you can still say that it’s for the best and that you will turn the situation around. I hope that you can take a (small) example from me, I don’t have a job yet, but I am using this time to ensure that I look better on the market and that the next position that I land will be a major improvement for me and my family.

The advice to do what I enjoy doing is something that no one should really have to tell you, but actually remember that you do stuff that you enjoy doing is also important. Doing things that you enjoy doing help you keep a positive attitude towards life and avoid you getting trapped in a depression. My therapist and I talked into small depths about the stuff that I am currently doing and occupying me and he told me that I am taking all the right steps and that the situation will change and most importantly I know what I’m doing and that I’m on the right way, so just continue to do that and the situation will improve itself again.

I hope with this post that I can give all those who need a little push, to remember to do the stuff you like to do! If you like drawing, draw! If you like fishing, go fishing! If you like killing people … get a video game where you can kill a lot of people! As long as you enjoy what you’re doing life will smile back at you, people with a smile on their face and a positive mindset will always achieve their goals!

What do you do to keep a positive mindset?

I'm having fun ... join me!

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Keep running and stay fit!


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We all should remember that all the things that happen, happen for a reason and for the best.

You seem like a strong person and you'll achieve many things. Keep going!

Thank you for your support, it really means a lot hearing from other people that you're taking all the right steps.

I'm sure you'll find success. :) It's how it goes. I have many examples.

Doing sport is always a great way to create some positive vibes... scientifically proved! I also like drawing of course :D

This is the thing, when we have a period when things are not going our way we should all have things we can fall back on.

That's really great advise. Loosing your job can not be easy but it sounds like you are turning it into a great opportunity. I am sure you have had some tough days though and glad you have an outlet to discuss your progress.
Keep it up and look forward to hearing more about it.

Thank you for your support, the outlet is one part, but actually getting feedback and interacting with people is even better and gives both sides the opportunity to share experiences and help overcome difficulties. This is also what makes this platform so special, the people here are fantastic and supportive of one another.

Every change can be a change for the better. It is your decision what you make out of it.

It is obvious you are doing great!

I fully believe that! I'm doing everything in my power to make this change for the best. Thank you for your support!

Good to see that you're not giving up my friend. The easiest thing for you to do is to sit back on your couch and give up.

As you know my story I passed through something like this, however I succumb to depression for almost 2 years. If I had known what I know I'll do exactly what you're doing, continue of self education.

Thanks for encouraging all of us with this wonderful blog!

Thanks for your encouragement! It's always good to hear that you're on the right path. I hope you're doing well bud! Long time no speak.

Maybe I'll hold you on that offer and pop down to Tessin (you're over there right) when I'm unemployed and we could organise a steem get-together.

Yes for sure, we are in Ticino, in the mendrisio area👍🏾

I'll give you a shout if I'm coming in that direction. Are there any plans to hold a steemit meetup?

Sorry for the late reply.. I took a small vacation to Amsterdam. No I have not heard of any meeting up. But I think now most people are on vacation

Sometimes I wish I could lose my job so I could get away from stress and be able to sleep at night, but from your story, I see there is no escape.

That wasn't the message I was trying to get across, I'm happy that it happened, but my head wasn't clear with that, but there's always a rainbow after every rainstorm, that's the message I was trying to get across.

Yes, your article had a much more positive message. That was just the thought that stayed in my head from how the article started. A good message for sure!

Thank you very much! Sorry for the confusion.

*When someone tells you that what you want to do is impossible, change the word in your head to hard. What you want to do is hard. Hard is doable – it just requires dedicated work and effort and you can make it happen.

*Resteemed by @runningproject