The bitter taste of life will always be a valuable lesson for you
Whatever the twists and turns of life that you feel, don't ever complain about it, because the bitterness of life experiences will always be a valuable lesson for you.
So stay grateful, don't ever grumble because you feel it's a bad thing. How bad the life journey will always make you stronger.
Be patient, don't bother much when you present God in difficult situations
Therefore, whatever is offered by God accepts gracefully, never regret it, even though it's something you don't really like.
Be patient first, there is no need for you to complain a lot when you are faced with a difficult situation by Allah, because with him there must be wisdom.
Later You Will Know the Goodness of What Awaits Behind the Middle Fate of Life God Presents
Because in the end, you will know what kind of awaits behind the fate of life that God is offering, and you will even be surprised to know how well God planned everything very elegantly.
Humans Are Possibly Unhappy, Surely Sometimes He Is Sad
And you also have to know, that human will not continue to be happy, surely there will be times when he will feel sad, because that is the nature of life.
Then why is sadness presented? that is so you know how to enjoy happiness with extraordinary gratitude, so that you will feel very happy.
Be thankful, everything that happens will bring benefits to you, because it is impossible for God to create bad destiny without wisdom
So still you are grateful for whatever God offered badly, still be thankful for whatever God created is difficult, because everything that happens will bring you benefits.
After all, it is impossible for Allah to create a bad destiny without wisdom with him, because all that Allah presents his guests contains wisdom that is very real.
What You Are Facing Now Is A Valuable Lesson For You, Then Field Is Receiving Everything
Then be patient, remain confident in God even though what he sets is difficult and unpleasant. Because anything will definitely take you to extraordinary goodness.
Stay roomy, face and live everything God has decided, really the kindness you need is with him, it's just that you haven't seen it perfectly.