"A Talk About Teenage Suicide"

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Photo: [Source] (https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=suicide&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwisgOLKqK3ZAhWIpJQKHWf1CT4Q_AUICigB&biw=1366&bih=637#imgrc=gPmoeqkqBMyEZM:)

Just yesterday my brother and I talked about his friend who died recently because of suicide. We kept on figuring out the reasons behind it because we can't believe it happened. There are lots of Why's and How's that are keep on running inside us until now. This is the main reason why I wrote this blog.

We always watched news in televisions, heard it on radios and even read it on social medias about young individuals who ended their lives by just hanging their selves using a rope, drink a high dosage of pill, shoot their selves using gun, cut their selves using knives or even cutter and we can't do anything about it because the damage has been done. But are we going to let this happen again to anyone? Are we not gonna make some move that will somehow minimize the suicide case? Are we not gonna put a little care about it? What if it will happen to our loved ones, friends, classmates or acquaintances? Are we not gonna make some voice to somehow make them realized that life is wonderful? When are we going to make a move? When everything is too late?

Suicide became rampant in this generation. Teenagers are prone to this case, they're emotionally weak and easily took their lives because they can no longer carry the pain they have inside, depressions slowly killing them everyday and no one can understand their emptiness and the scariest thing is no one ever dared to saved them and this is somehow one of the reasons why they choose to let go the burdens they are carrying to by ending their own life. In one way or another, all of us are connected to someone who has committed suicide. They may have been a friend, a relative, a classmate, or an acquaintance. And whatever our relationships to those people, we were sure to have been shocked to hear that they decided to end their lives and we all must have pondered upon why they wanted to quit on life. And if the person who died was especially close to us, we must have looked back to the past for signs and wondered if there was something we could have done to stop the incident. However, no matter how long and hard we tried to think about what happened, it didn't change the fact that our friends or loved ones have gone and they aren't coming back.

However, if people are armed with ample information, suicides can be avoided. So with this in mind we need to gain awareness about the prevention of teen suicide, we must recognize the risk factors associates with suicidal individuals, we must be aware about the do's and don'ts when dealing with suicide-prone teens, we must learn the possible cause and effect of suicides in the community, and must effectively learn some strategies in coping with negative emotional states and gain awareness on specific high risk factors leading to suicide.

Suicidal people are like a rose they are very sensitive we need to take care of them very gently, they have thorns to protect themselves because they wont allow anyone to penetrate them but we need to take the risk to hold them just to make sure they will grow meaningfully. Let us embrace those are emotionally unstable and let them feel they are loved. Let's talk to them because communication is powerful tool, I'll tell you. Every words can touch a life and simple wisdom can change everything. Let us not waste time, life is meaningful and beautiful. :)

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Kita ada untuk mereka, karenanya kita perlu memotivasi dan penyemangat di dalam keterpurukan nya agar tidak putus harapan dan memilih jalan yang salah.
Semangat untuk semua...
please follow me @arifikob

Such a relevant post to our generation today. I hope suicide awareness will be spread out more so that more people will be helped out.

Thank you so much @renalexis :) -