お好きな飲み物(お酒)教えてください/What kind of drinks do you like?

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hi steemians!


What kind of drinks do you prefer?
I like all most every drink… except sweet sower drink called “Chuhai” in Japan.



I like beer, wine, cocktail, sake and Shaoxing wine too. I start enjoying whiskeys and rams in these years but almost having with hot black tea.I like Manhattan or Cosmopolitan very much...
And about wine, I prefer to have Italian or Spanish red wine than French wine... but I like both of them. > And dry white wine with seafood dish of course. When I'm in Japan, I get wines from the new world (Chile, Australia, South Africa etc.) because they are reasonable and good to know about the taste of grapes itself.
While I'm in Berlin, I enjoy Grappa, Ouzo and last time I enjoyed Chinese Erguotou and Pisco sour from Peru... those were delicious, too. I think steemians who know these kinds of alcohol love drinking like me. Hahaha.


Speaking of Germany, I guess everyone imagines "beer". ...yeah it is true. And it's very cheap.I often see from old to young, men to women walking with beer bottles from the morning time.It was negative 15 degrees Celsius this winter, But still there were some guys got bottle beer from a kiosk and bring one to maybe friends house.
I often see draft beer and bottled beer, but I think canned beer is not so common in Germany like Japan. > And when we go to Asian restaurants we often see Japanese beer like Kirin or Sapporo or... aand also we can find Qingdao and Saigon.


I'm not so good at drinking alcohol, my face gets red quickly. But I like drinking with talking and exchange some opinion or...talk with a stranger at a bar or... bar at Berlin is kind of social place for everyone I think.


So I don't know about the detailes of each drinks, but I will share some kind of them, I would like you to let me know more stories or products to learn more about drinks.
Especially the ingredient in beer or cocktail liquor or... everything. It seems some steemians in our community once was a bartender or knowledgeable about drinks so... looking forward to hear about it from them ;)


So… what kind of drinks are you going to have for dinner tonight? Cheers...🍻



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I also dislike chuhai. The drink you picture, Guinness, is my favorite drink.

LOL... thank you for understanding! well, I didn't say dislike, but hmm... I may choose another one. yeah! Guinness is great! Cheers dear!!


そう言えば @koganekaeruさんのポストにワインありましたね♡

I have a tiny stock of Henriot and Henri Giraud chamgpanes at home, they have an extremely good value for money, and I have two bottles of Dalmore 15 years Scottish single malt wishky in the cupboard and some Paulaner hefe weissbiers in the fringe. On some occasions I buy Fuller's ale.

I have beer, chamgpane, gin tonic or mojito eating or drinking outside.

But I had sparkling water during evening meal and perhaps a mug of lemongrass tea after meal.

Wait a second, shaoxing wine? ma'am, this is so hardcore, don't get stoned :-)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

ahh... yeah! It Is my image of you dear! hmmmm... you have a good one a lot... I'm curious how's Henri Giraud chamgpanes is... well ok, so you can get German beer in HK too...

Sure... I'm not a big drinker... but sometimes start with Negroni when I eat Italian dish and sometimes it hit me a lot. lol... I prefer to drink still water(no gas) because feel like it won't affect my berry before eat! haha... I love mojito too... it's refreshing.
Yeah! I like shaoxingjiu very much... a little warm one with brown sugar would be perfect... ;) it helps a lot for deep sleep too... lol Anyway good to know your favorites! 谢谢你...🥂

Henri Giraud is a rather hidden gem to me, most go for Moet, Krug or Dom Perignon, but Henri Giraud is so subtle but has lots of characters to give. Code Noir from Henri Giraud is the best buy to me, middle priced but fantastic to drink.

A can or bottle of Paulaner sold at supermarket in HK is usually @ about 246 Japanese Yen. Asahi, Orion, Suntory and Kirin are the Japanese stronghold in Hong Kong when it comes to nippon beers, they sell well in HK.

Oh, negroni has gin and served on the rocks too. The wikipage you attached shows its a little bit sweet and an orange peel may add an orangery taste to it.

Let's share a giant mojito with lots of mint leaves in it, cheers. :-)

huhh... yummy... lol

Yes, I love mojito with lots of mint leaves after dinner.
And I like negroni but not so sweet side... cosmopolitan too... I think I'm not so big fan of sweet cocktails basically... :)

I thought beer is a bit more expensive there... but seems no? "HK" means everything expensive for me so... lol 😂

And about champagne, I'm much more interested in your word "hidden gem" ... such a beautiful word! hmm... not sure I might taste Code noir at my friend house in Berlin but not so super sure... lol whew! I really wanna know about the history of champagne n wine n liquor... I love to feel the passion of the people who made them from those drinks... it's a great and beautiful thing to me. :) Cheers :D

Beers are cheap only if you buy at supermarket and consume at home. But a price of a same beer at a pub or hotel lounge is 5 or 6 times higher.

I manage to find something inexpensive in HK but in general most things are pricey. High shop rents drive up retail prices and things usually have high price tags in HK.

Google champagne and wine and you can find lots of fun facts about them. But to me champagne is always an indication of happiness and joy, open a bottle of champagne to celebrate something and bubbles and golden colour are fantastic to see.

Good night.

yeah... I can imagine it's expensive at some bar or lounge.
I met a young guy who is from HK in Berlin, he also mentioned similar thing...
and about champagne, I love prosecco/sparkling wine from Italy very much but I don't have impressions it is " golden colour"... for me, Champagne is special as you mentioned... celebrate something and happy "bubbles and colours" are... really beautiful to see.
Gnite dear... I learned a lot of beautiful expressions from you today ;)


へぇぇ? 何となくですけどsuminyan10さん、お酒お強い気がしてました。そうなんですよね、ワインってつい飲みすぎてしまうんですけど日本酒とそんなに変わらない度数なんですよね。特に白はスルスルと…😂 サンフランシスコのがお好きなんですね、戴いたことないのでちょっと調べてみます^^


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

ふっふっふ♡ こういう投稿をすると意外な方から返信戴けると思ってましたw
あ、そうなんですね? いわゆるハーブ酒だと思うんですけど、Greekcoffeeといって豆を煮出す感じの(エスプレッソのもう少しwildなもの?笑)コーヒーと一緒に小さいグラスで出されることが多いです。そのなんていうか、コンビネーションと言いますか…。それがとっても気に入ってます。もし機会があったら是非試してくださいね。その時はヨーグルトベースのソース(ギリシャでは欠かせないザジキ(Tzatziki)というもの)を使ったお肉の後なんかが最高かと思います^^

ふっふっふ♡ 思わずお返事しちゃいましたw

てへへへへ^^*  気が合いそうで嬉しいです♡ なかなか女性でこんなお話しできる方って珍しいですし❣ でもさっき書いてからちょっと気になって見てたんですけど、こないだはまた別のブラウンの飲み物を戴いてるんですよね…。(wild)coffeeと一緒にいただくウゾはこんなイメージです

写真はこれまたこの(wild)coffeeとリキュールに合う何とかっていうスウィーツなんですけど…この頃にはワインとリキュールで酔っ払っちゃっていつも忘れ去ってしまいます…😂 また相方に聞いておきますね。そのうちちゃんとポストで紹介したいと思います^^*  いやぁ、@aitommylrさん、嬉しいですw お酒ってやっぱり料理と深く関係していて、その地の文化ともまた密接に関係してるからそれが楽しいなぁと思ってます。


いえいえいえ、私も飲みたくなってきましたw そうですね、ヨーロッパでは(いや、お店によりますが)やっぱりグラスの選び方がちゃんと用途に合っていて美しいなぁと思います。


いいですねぇ、投資に仮想通貨にツボ押しに、それからeggponさんの人生経験をたっぷり聞かせて戴きたいです。なんか波乱万丈だった気がするから♡ その日を楽しみにsteemitに励みますゾ☆

Ψ( Φ∀Φ)Ψィヒヒ

いひひひひ💗 もちろん:D

I love grape juice. In the morning, I drink black coffee. I can enjoy drinking so many things. My dad drinks beer and I try not to but maybe sometimes. Thanks for sharing.

hi there... I love both drinks too. Thank-you for your comment!

I love sweet and sour drinks. I wonder whether “Chuhai” have the same taste like my country "Jolly Shandy" or "Anglia" drinks. I will try to look for it at the Japanese foreigner grocery store. 私は甘くて酸っぱい飲み物が好きです。 私の国「Jolly Shandy」や「Anglia」のように「酎ハイ」の味が同じであるかどうかは疑問です。 私は日本の外国人食料雑貨店でそれを探してみよう。

Hi @legendchew! thank you for comment and welcome to our Japanese board!
Ahh yes, something like that. Many women like Chuhai because feels like it's juice. Not super positive you can find Chuhai in your country, but maybe some Asian market where treat Japanese food. Wow... I didn't know you speak Japanese as well... Thank you very much again! I wish you keep touching with Japanese community!


Yes, we have sushi everywhere but seldom see alcohol drinks here. See you around. はい、私たちはどこでも寿司を持っていますが、めったにここでアルコール飲料を見ることはありません。じゃあまたね。

ahh... yeah. sure... I guess very different than Japan... we can buy alcohole everywhere from vending machine too... Nice chatting with you @legendchew... I wish you have a great weekend!


Have a great weekend 良い週末を 。

you too Sir! あなたも❣


いいお酒飲んでまったり楽しい雰囲気ってよいですよね。産前産後でめっきり弱くなってしまったのが残念です ;)