What we see and experience

in life •  9 years ago 

At some level, each of us has always known that we have attracted people, things, and events into our lives based on our thoughts. The recognition of that is in our daily speech, such phrases as; "What you put your attention on grows", "Be careful what you wish (pray) for" etc. 

Thought is a quick light, mobile form of energy that manifests instantaneously. It is now time in our evolution to consciously embrace our divine nature and to truly experience what has always been promised to us … "Ask, and it shall be given to you…" For me, manifesting is an active form of prayer in which we are more consciously aware and focused. It is what many call "co-creating". 

As most of us now know and understand, we are, along with the rest of what we see and experience, made up of a miraculous interchange of vibrating waves of energy. When we create something, we always create first in thought form. One law of energy is that energy of a certain quality or vibration tends to attract energy of a similar quality and vibration. Another important law of energy is whatever we put out into the universe is attracted back at us.. "As you sow, so shall you reap". Which means, whatever we think about the most, believe in the strongest, expect on the deepest levels, or imagine the most vividly about, shall be our experience. 

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I pray STEEM gives me the power to go back to my familys village in India and rebuild schools , roads and infrastructure. They dont have internet / 4G ... I want to connect them to the world. Give them the equal opportunity they deserve. Thats my dream. I have this gut feeling right now we are apart of something great. Something HUGE. Most of the world is fighting and it feels like we have another race war starting in this great country of ours. So many great people live in the USA. Separate your views on the government of the United States and think about the people. There are so many great minds in our country. Its unfortunate to see the state of affairs we are in today. I believe platforms like STEEM with the potential to make an impact like this will change the world. I think that we should all take a second and look around you...we are all BLESSED to be apart of this...whatever amount of crypto you own you should be THANKFUL. We are maybe only a few thousand people out of BILLIONS of people on this planet. We truly are shaping the future for the better. I believe most of us who are here now are early adopters ...no matter if you were here when STEEMIT started or just got here now...we are still early. You must be smarter than the average bear if you are here this early. If you become wealthy from your early investment just remember ...with great wealth comes even greater responsibility. STEEM POWER truly will hold "power" ...maybe the power to change lives one day.

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