in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Just as there are children who are too good, there are also quite difficult children in terms of their behavior and not for these we are going to relegate, on the contrary we must include them in various activities to modify the behavior.

Educating is a complex task, because as parents or adults in charge of children, we also fulfill other roles in society, so one of the biggest challenges we face in this task of educating is when our children have behavioral problems.


Throughout my experience in my work with parents I have seen that they punish, sometimes they hit and finally they get tired, what happens? For starters, I like to call disciplinary measures more than punishment, and what happens with them is that they do not stay in time, so my first recommendation is, when you impose a sanction on your son or your child, make sure that you can comply and that you have the willingness to ensure that this is the case, because sometimes too severe measures are imposed and then they are not complied with; such is the case of the mother who punishes her son because she is not working in school, she says: "you are punished, you will not be released in two weeks", however the following weekend the whole family goes to the beach, including the child. What happens then? the child will not take seriously what his parents say, because they are not able to fulfill the own sanctions imposed by themselves.
It is also necessary to investigate because our child is having a behavior like that, so it is important to talk with him, observe him as he relates, talk with his teacher about it and if it is necessary to be evaluated by specialists.

Poster of the chips

The poster of the cards is a technique that helps in the modification of the behavior, since it is used to maintain, reduce or extinguish behaviors, I usually recommend it to parents. Basically it is a poster in which the child will accumulate chips that will win when their behavior is adequate, and when accumulating a certain amount of chips will receive a prize. The child must be previously conversed and established compliance agreements, the amount of cards that must be accumulated to achieve recognition.

In addition, in this activity the boys can also lose chips by having inappropriate behaviors, the intention is to modify the behavior. It is important that whenever the child wins a card, also receive a reinforcer as you are great, every time you are better.
Once the behavior modification is achieved in the child, the use of the cards should gradually disappear until it is not necessary, remember that filling them with material rewards is counterproductive, so they can be replaced by games or special activities. It is also important to expand the time and difficulty. In the end, the use of these symbolic reinforcers will give way to social reinforcers, so that these appropriate behaviors are already natural in the child.

Finally friends, this is just a technique of so many behavior modification, there is no magic formula, only to be consistent and congruent when it comes to educating without forgetting to make our children feel loved.

Until my next post I remain @zeuz

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