Why it is't good to be pessimist in life?

in life •  4 years ago 

For many of us, though, having a good balance of positivity along with a healthy dose of pessimism is not always a bad thing. A pessimist is a person who sees negativity in everything and does not hope for a successful outcome of events. Others get the impression that he even likes to “collect” failures.

If suddenly the business started is crowned with success, anyway the pessimist will find many "pitfalls" to spoil the mood for himself and those around him. Of course, we are talking about the extreme degree of such a worldview.


Most often, there are people prone to pessimism , but to a lesser extent. They can be sure of victory, where they objectively realize their superiority. But, in case of uncertainty, they tend to doubt success. These include the bulk of the population of our planet, because most people will not dare to take up a business in which they are not sure.

But it is not only innate features that make a pessimist out of a person. Upbringing and social environment play a huge role, as well as life experience, which strengthens his confidence in a certain scenario of the development of events. Don't forget about the principle of feedback , according to which people get what they expect.

So, a pessimist, just like an optimist , only strengthens his confidence in his righteousness with age. Depending on how substantiated his views are, this type can be divided into several types. Let's talk about them now.

There is no clear classification of pessimists. They can be conditionally divided into several types: rational and irrational . The first ones evaluate events objectively and understand that they have little chance of success in a particular business. For example, the mass pessimism of the people before the elections in our country.

There really are few reasons for optimism. Dozens of other examples can be cited, which are noted by the following phrase “a pessimist is a well-informed optimist”.

In contrast to this species, an irrational pessimist simply suffers from low self-esteem and is prone to fatalism in its negative manifestation. That is, such a person believes that he will definitely fail, and he cannot do anything. This feeling is only strengthened according to the principle of feedback, increasing the person's confidence in his worthlessness with age.

Also, between the first and second types there are many transitional forms that do not have clear names, they can simply be located closer to objectivity or subjectivity. Regardless of the severity of this sign, it is not so difficult to recognize a pessimist. How this can be done is described below.

The most interesting thing is that such a person is not always aware of his psychological characteristics. Rarely will you hear from him "I'm a pessimist" because he is confident in his realism.

For some reason, it is believed that a pessimist is bad. Many coaches and coaches try to wean their clients from this type of thinking. But is “exaggerating” so bad? We will talk about this now.

Who are pessimists? In fact, these are realists who tend to escalate the situation. Accordingly, they assess events and their strengths more soberly, are ready for obstacles and will not break if something goes wrong. This is their indisputable advantage over optimists, who sometimes overestimate their strengths and treat serious things superficially, thereby turning out to be unprepared for failure. But failures happen regularly. Ignoring them is also stupid.

If there is an optimist and a pessimist in the work team, then brainstorming takes on a constructive track. The optimism of one clashes with the deliberation of the other, thereby giving out the most viable options.

It is believed that the intellectual level of pessimists is one of the highest in comparison with other personality types, since their experiences and “exaggeration” seem to push the brain to constantly think about the situation. But this is where their advantages end, since the harm from pessimism is no less.

Trying to remember famous pessimists, a person is faced with a rather difficult task, because pessimists rarely become popular. All this is due to their low self-esteem.

The people around do not really like such people. Most often these are school losers who, if they do not gain at least a little optimism, become "gray mice" in their adult years. Almost like in the tale of the ugly duckling, with the only difference - instead of a beautiful swan, an ugly duck appears.

It is unlikely that anyone wants to communicate for a long time with a person who is always whining and all the time attunes himself and others to the negative. After all, he not only deprives himself of the joys of life, but also does not allow others to dream and hope for something.


In this, the pessimist loses noticeably to the optimist. The latter is welcome in all companies. He arouses interest and sympathy from the opposite sex, he is more willingly hired, more often deals and contracts are concluded. Business is dominated by optimists because they are not afraid to take risks, unlike people who do not believe in success, even when it is guaranteed.

Of course, anticipating negative scenarios is a useful skill. But underestimating one's strengths and capabilities alienates a person from success. You should always draw a clear line between norm and overkill. And if skepticism is excessive, it is better to dilute it with a touch of positive.

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